Space Apart
Dedication of Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2003

Space Apart
by Tom Cox

A day to honour the mother church of St. John Lateran in Rome? Yes - but also an opportunity to reflect on the God-space we have in our lives. After all, we live in an age where some former churches now serve totally unforeseen purposes. Some are apartments, one Institution chapel has its lofty beams and intricate stonecarvings shelter a swimming pool.

So, what of your dedicated God-space, that monument of brick, mortar, timber and glass that you call your Church? It may have witnessed your baptism, sheltered you in sorrow, confirmed the young and celebrated committed love. Yet, in another sense, it's useless, it serves no practical function, but it does express the dream, vision and aim of a people. Without a vision the people perish (Ecclesiastes). It's important you know.

At Easter, in the prayer that dedicates and sets apart the new Paschal Candle, the words, "all space and time belong to him" is used. Yes - the forest or river walk may be your Cathedral of nature, but the very fact that we have specific places that are dedicated to God reminds us of one great truth.

We can't pray all of the time everywhere, but we must pray some of the time somewhere. (John Füllenbach)

(Comments to Tom at )