Higher Call
Second Sunday of Lent
March 11th 2001

Higher Call
by Tom Cox

At some point as children we learn the basic principle that whatever goes up must come down. True of childish playthings like balls and kites; the principle is equally accurate in the spiritual life. It is a good thing to “go up” to a great experience with God, but we will become greatly disillusioned if we do not remember that eventually we have to “come down” again.

Transfigurations are not all that rare. Some seem to have an aura about them – the warmth of God comes off them. But every soul experiences moments of sheer bliss. Love, friendship, knowing deeply that you are valued as you are, that you have a special place in another’s heart – all these transfigure. Memory of these moments can sustain the soul in the bitter winters of life. The transfiguration is a reminder of our call to a higher destiny. Like our lives that journey on through sadness, another hill (Calvary) will have Christ praying as on Tabor, but alone this time, thieves for companions, no dazzling garments or reassuring Father’s voice.

In our differing Calvary’s it’s good to think that Christ who desired human company on an earthly mountain, won’t do differently in calling us to another height – to glory.

(Comments to Tom at stmarysrcathlone@oceanfree.net )