Cluttered Heart
Ordinary 28
October 12, 2003

Cluttered Heart
by Tom Cox

Strange how it’s always someone else who is rich, never ourselves. It’s even stranger that those who have least often give the most – while the more people have, the less inclined they can be to give. Curious how our possessions can possess us.

Enter this rich man – but why did he come? He seemed to have it all. Maybe he climbed the ladder of life, only to find it was perched against the wrong wall. Perhaps he realised that he couldn’t take wealth with him – and this eternal life Jesus spoke of was the very thing he lacked.

He was a young, keen, vigorous, probably well-connected candidate. Modern leaders would do everything possible to ensure they signed him up – but not Jesus. God’s love never compromises with truth.

He’s told he lacks one thing and is given five commands: Go! Sell! Give! Come! Follow! What did he think as he trudged away? ‘This is completely impractical! I have obligations. It’s unfair. I bet he never asked others to do that.’

Living the Christian life means following your Lord, no matter what. He asks us to stay in tough situations, to love the unloveable, to forgive the unforgiveable.

What would Jesus say is lacking in you, as he gazes upon you with steady love? And would we go away sad: owning much, but possessing nothing of real value?

(Comments to Tom at )