The Father Connection
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 9, 2003
The Father Connection
by Tom Cox

As the 75th Academy Awards (Oscars) of late March approaches, the film industry cranks up its efforts to advance their films with trade paper ads, promotional screenings, and other efforts. Fame is valued. Not least by the arriving stars at the ceremony, who turn and wave gratifyingly at the fans. After all, this is the culmination of their work: recognition of their talent and an adoring audience.

Not Jesus’ way. After performing healings and exorcisms, he had them. Renown and popularity were his for the asking; he was even told “Everybody is looking for you.” We know what a seasoned Hollywood actor would do, but not Jesus. After praying alone he goes on to nearby villages. Prayer was the secret of our Lord’s life. Knowing where to go, what to say and what to do, was all determined by his praying to his Father. He knew that adulation was not why he came – spreading God’s kingdom was.

And so to us, in our varying callings where fame is mostly absent, appreciation a rare visitor – and Job’s words (First Reading) about “life as…hired drudgery” strikes a chord. A time to remember that something great is at work. If we stay faithful and connected in prayer, God’s kingdom is being spread - even when the crowds are gone.

Definitely not Hollywood territory.

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