(Colour: Violet or Purple)

Number 21:4-9 The Snake Made of Bronze

Psalm 107:1-3,17-22 In Praise of God's Goodness

Ephesians 2:1-10 From Death to Life

John 3:14-21 God So Loved the World

CATHOLIC READINGS: 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 16-23 / Psalm 137: 1-6

ANGLICAN/EPISCOPAL: 2 Chronicles 36:14-23 / Psalm 122 / John 6:4-15

MOTHERING SUNDAY: Exodus 2:1-10 /or/ 1 Samuel 1:200-28

Psalm 34 /or/ 127

2 Corinthians 1:3-8 /or/ Colossians 3:12- 17

Luke 2:33-35 /or/ John 19:25-27



"O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever." (Psalm 107:1)

"Rejoice, Jerusalem! Be glad for her, you who love her; rejoice with her, you who mourned for her, and you will find contentment at her consoling breasts." (from Isaiah 66:10-11)

"By grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:18)

"God so loved the world that to us the Son was given, that believing in Him we should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)





"Everyone who has faith will have eternal life"

God So Loved


Joy, mercy, love, redemption

New Life

The power of Christ crucified to draw all people to himself.

Give thanks to God whose steadfast love never fails.



God of all mercy, by Your power to heal and to forgive, graciously cleanse us from all sin and make us strong; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN.

(by Horace T. Allen, Jr. "Handbook for the Lectionary", Geneva Press, p. 132.)

Gracious Father, You gave us our Lord Jesus Christ as a model of humility: in lowliness and obedience He yielded up His life on the cross. Enable us to follow His example, that, in humility and obedience, we may bear witness to Your steadfast love and attain the joy of the resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(from "Uniting in Worship", Leader's Book, p. 243.)

Grant us, Almighty God, the comfort of Your grace. Though we deserve to face the consequences of our unworthy words and deeds, be merciful to us when we turn to You. Bring us to rejoicing through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. AMEN.

Gracious Father, Your blessed Son Jesus Christ came from heaven to be true bread which gives life to the world evermore give us this bread, that He may live in us, and we in Him, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN.

(from 'Starters For Sunday', Church of Scotland, 2009.)



(Week 12: 15-22 March)

Let us pray with the people of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam: May the grace of our Lord

Jesus Christ protect us; and may Gods love fill our lives with a peace that extends its hand to others in true reconciliation and friendship; through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(From 'With All God's People', WCC Geneva)


Look with mercy, O Lord, on all suffering people. Give respite to those who have never known peace. Grant that those who are enlightened by the Buddha may see the light that is in Christ. AMEN.

(from 'With All God's People', WCC Geneva)


We remember, O Lord, those who suffer from any kind of discrimination, your children, and our brothers and sisters, who are humiliated and oppressed. We pray for those who are denied fundamental human rights, for those who are imprisoned, and especially those who are tortured. Our thoughts rest a few moments with them … And we pray that your love and compassion may sustain them always. AMEN.

(from 'In God's Hands', WCC Geneva, http://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/prayer-cycle/week-12-cambodia-laos-vietnam.html)

(Week 13: 22 to 29 March)

Let us pray with the peoples of China, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR: "Lord of history, make us strong. Help us to live today as if it is tomorrow, so that the past no longer binds the future; through Christ our Lord. AMEN."

(from "With All God's People" WCC Geneva)


Lord our God: Enlighten your church, that wherever it may be, it will never seek for its interests but will only serve you faithfully. Grant your church wisdom and courage, that it may break down all boundaries, so that humankind will become one again. In Jesus' name. AMEN.

(from 'In God's Hands', WCC Geneva, http://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/prayer-cycle/week-13-china-hong-kong-macau.html)

(Week 14: 29 March to 4 April)

Let us pray with the peoples of Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore: "O God of many names, lover of all nations, we pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our nation, in our world: the peace of Your will, the peace of our need; through Christ our Lord. AMEN."

(from "With All God's People" WCC Geneva)



"As Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the desert,

in the same way the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that

everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life. For God

loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that

everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.

For God did not send His Son into the world to be its judge,

but to be its Saviour" -- --- John 3:14-16 (NRSV)

As a boy growing up in Cleveland, Ohio (USA), I remember the "rag picker." In the spring of the year he would walk down the streets behind his pushcart calling out, "Rags, rags, rags!" People would come from their houses with piles of rags and scraps and bits and pieces of cloth in odd shapes and sizes.

"What does he do with the rags?" I asked my mother. I could see no use or value in them. "He makes loop rugs," she replied, "beautiful things. He takes those discarded bits and pieces and weaves them together and makes something useful from them."

So it is with Jesus. "All our righteousness is as filthy rags," St. Paul wrote. And yet, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, gave Him to pick up the rags of our life.

Jesus is able to take the bad parts as well as the good parts of our life, weave them together on the loom of the cross and make something beautiful from them. He lifts them up and says, "See, Father, see how beautiful I have made their rags." Yes, in Jesus, it can bee seen clearly that our deeds have been wrought in God!

-- Dan Benuska


During Lent, let us journey with Christ, in personal faith, study and prayer. Let us stretch our hands out to Jesus for He is the One who will carry us through.


PRAYER: Gracious Father, You gave us our Lord Jesus Christ as a model of humility. In lowliness and obedience He yielded up His life on the cross. Enable us to follow His example. May we, in humility and obedience, bear witness to Your steadfast love and attain the joy of the resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.


Other Worship resources (and useful links) may found at:

STEPPING STONES: A Web Guide to Lectionary-Based Resources for Worship

and Preaching (http://www.digtree.org.au/steppingstones)

AND: Starters For Sunday (Worship on the Web - Church of Scotland)




(Sunday, 15th March, 2009.)


(* PRELUDE) /or/



Alone with none but You, my God, I journey on my way;

What need I fear when You are near, O Lord of night and day?

More secure am I within Your hand

Than if a multitude did round me stand.

-- St. Columba (AD 521-597)

* INTROIT: CHRIST BE BESIDE ME [Tune: Bunnessan, 'Morning Has Broken']

Christ be beside me, Christ be before me,

Christ be behind me, King of my heart.

Christ be within me, Christ be below me,

Christ be above me, never to part.

-- from St. Patrick's Breastplate, 8th century.

(adapted by James Quinn)

/or/ "THE DOXOLOGY" (TIS #768ii Tune: Fairhill)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God all creatures here below,

Praise God above the heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

GREETING: "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God,

And the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!



Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. AMEN.


Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.

Let the words of our mouths and the meditation

of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord,

our Rock and our Redeemer. AMEN.


The Lord is my light and my salvation -

So we gather in hope and not in fear.

The Lord is the stronghold of my life -

So we gather with joy and not despair.

Though my family may give up on me, the Lord will always hear me -

So we gather as those welcomed home by a loving God.

(by the Rev. Phil Nevard, United Reformed Church, Upminster, UK)

/or/ (based on Psalm 107)

Give thanks to the Lord, for God is gracious!

God's steadfast love endures forever!

May our worship today

be a sacrifice of thanksgiving!

May we find joy in telling about

what the Lord has done!

(by Neil Young, Erindale United Church, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 2009.)


(Based on Psalm 107:1-3,17-22)

Come to worship the Lord our God

with thanksgiving and praise,

You alone, O Lord, are good

and your loving kindness is forever.

Come to worship the Lord our God

with a sacrifice of thanksgiving.

Your loving kindness, O Lord,

is shown in your word and your wonderful deeds.

Come to worship the Lord our God

with songs of joy.

(For use in worship, with acknowledgement. Copyright. Jeff Shrowder 2003.)

/or/ (based on Psalm 103:1-5)

Leader: Bless the Lord, O my soul.

May all that is within me bless God's holy name.

People: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Leader: The Lord forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

People: The Lord redeems us from the grave

and crowns us with steadfast love and mercy.

He satisfies us with good as long as we live.

(by Richard D. Fairchild, Lent 3B. 2003.)

* HYMN OF PRAISE: TIS #133 (AHB #67) - "O Worship The King, All Glorious Above"

/or/ TIS #147 (AHB #85) - "To God Be the Glory"

/or/ TIS #102 (AHB #7) - "Praise to the Living God"



WELCOME & INTRODUCTION: Today is the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Lent is a time when we are invited to journey with our Lord Jesus in faith, study and prayer. We are invited to reflect upon our lives. We are invited to make a deeper personal commitment to God.


CALL TO CONFESSION: As we prepare to celebrate the mystery of God's love in our worship, let us come to Him in humble prayer, seeking His forgiveness, mercy and strength ...

LET US PRAY: O Lord our God, You are the source of all truth, wisdom, justice and love. Lead me through this time of worship and throughout this day and week in service to You. Help me constantly to rest my life upon the eternal foundations of Your love and presence. Save me from haste and confusion, wrong wrongful desire, and the net of evil. Through the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, enlighten, instruct, and guide me all the days of my life . . . LORD, IN YOUR MERCY [Hear our prayer] ... through Jesus Christ who suffered and died

for us. AMEN.



Eternal God, by your word you create

and by your breath you give life.

We worship you with joy and thanksgiving,

praising you for the fullness

that your presence brings to our lives,

and our life together.

We praise you that by your word you feed us;

we are satisfied, and there is always more.

Your goodness is displayed in your wonderful works

for all humanity, and in your perfect love.

In our humanity we are rebellious,

and sometimes follow after foolish ideas;

going ways which lead away from life with you . . .

And yet, when we cry out you are there,

your word healing our inner emptiness and pain,

embracing us, leading us in your life-giving ways.

For your unending faithfulness, revealed to us in Jesus Christ,

and made present to us in your Holy Spirit

we praise you, Lord God. AMEN.

(For use in worship, with acknowledgement. Copyright. Jeff Shrowder 2003.)



HEAR THE GOOD NEWS! - "God loved the world so much that He sent us His very own son Jesus, that whoever would not perish, but have everlasting life!"

(John 3: 16)


In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! [THANKS BE TO GOD! AMEN!]

* HYMN OF FAITH: TIS #164 (AHB #105) - "The Great Love of God"

1. The great love of God is revealed in the Son,

who came to this earth to redeem every one.

2. That love, like a stream flowing clear to the sea,

makes clean every heart that from sin would be free.

3. It binds the whole world every barrier it breaks

the hills it lays low, and the mountains it shakes.

4. It's yours, it is ours, O how lavishly given!

the pearl of great price, and the treasure of heaven.

-- by Daniel T. Niles, 1908-1970.


SHARING WITH THE FAMILY OF GOD: [For the Young and Young at Heart]


Begin the service with a rant moving around the five aspects of grief, i.e., denial, grief, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Move toward truth and reconciliation.

(from 'Gathering', United Church of Canada, 2009.)

With Children:

Draw a parallel: when kids are in trouble and need some external influence, e.g., when they cut themselves, have a cold or have done something bad, they can turn to God. All of us can ask for help in times of trouble. God is always there, but sometimes we do not notice until we need something.

(from 'Gathering', United Church of Canada, 2009.)


Questioning God: Can any of you tell me one of the stories in the Bible? Others? Do you think you know all the stories in the Bible yet? There are an awful lot of stories. It takes time to learn about them all.

Sometimes, when we hear a story from the Bible it can be a good thing to remember that there are so many things to learn about God that sometimes it takes more than one story to understand even a little about God. The story today, for example, is about the people of Israel getting angry with God. And God gets angry right back. It's kind of a scary story, especially if you've ever felt angry with God. (Have you? I have.)

But here's the important thing to remember: there are other stories in the Bible where people get angry with God and God understands why they're angry and God doesn't get angry back. God knows that we sometimes have angry days, when things happen that we don't want, and God wants us not to be scared to talk to God about those things too.

(from 'Gathering', United Church of Canada, 2003.)


NEW TESTAMENT: Ephesians 2: 1-10

God gave us a new life in Christ

[We are not saved by our own doing, but by grace.]

NOTE: Verse 10 of the Ephesians reading says that "we are what God has made us, created in Jesus for good works"

(The Jerusalem Bible translation - "we are God's work of art!")

Ask the children/young people/adults if they have ever created anything of which they have been particularly proud - maybe some school project - or a work of art - something that they had a great deal of pleasure in making.

Invite them to speak about how they felt when making it and when it was completed.

The words from Ephesians could then be picked up and related to the pleasure which God must have as our lives are shaped by the Holy Spirit to Jesus' design for our lives.

The more we grow into Jesus' design the more pleasure we give God and maybe surprisingly to us, the more pleasure we give to other people and to ourselves.

(by Moira Laidlaw, Lent 4B. 2003.)



* Show three items on the Communion Table: a hand-made card; a small vase of hand-picked spring flowers; a small box of chocolates; a small cuddly toy.

* Why are these things here in church today? (Mothering Sunday presents).

* Why do we give gifts on this day? (To show our mums we love them)

* On this day in the year it is very good to pause and thank God for mums.

* It is also right for us to remember that not everyone has a mum or a dad.

* In fact, in some parts of the world, it is often grannies and grandpas who have the job of raising families, which can be very, very hard for them.

* So today, let's give thanks to God for our families (and especially for our mums) and let's also remember the needs of those families around the world who are struggling today, and who need our concern and our practical care.

Let us pray:

Lord God who loves us all,

We come here today saying "Thank you" for mums everywhere: for what they are to us; for all that they do for us; for how they show their love for us in lots of ways.

Help us always to remember the love which our mothers have for us, and to show our love back, every day.

We know that not everyone has a Mum or a Dad. Especially today we remember places where illness or death in a family means that others must do the caring: grannies and grandpas who may be too old to give the time and energy required to raise children; brothers and sisters who may be too young to take full responsibility for running a home. Help them Lord, we pray, and bless us as we seek your way of kindness and care in our world.

This we ask in Jesus' Name. AMEN.

(from 'Starters For Sunday', Church of Scotland, 2009.)

* CHILDREN'S HYMN: AHB #531 - "When We Walk With The Lord" [Trust & Obey]



God invites us to share with each other the Covenant Promise given to us in Jesus - a promise of Faith, Hope and Love:


["And Also with You"]


* HYMN OF FAITH: TIS #164 (AHB #105) - "The Great Love of God"

1. The great love of God is revealed in the Son,

who came to this earth to redeem every one.

2. That love, like a stream flowing clear to the sea,

makes clean every heart that from sin would be free.

3. It binds the whole world every barrier it breaks

the hills it lays low, and the mountains it shakes.

4. It's yours, it is ours, O how lavishly given!

the pearl of great price, and the treasure of heaven.

-- by Daniel T. Niles, 1908-1970.

/or/ TIS #241 - "So God Love the People of the World"

(by Aboriginal People of Arnhem Land, versified by D'arcy Wood)

/or/ TIS #671 - "Made in God's Likeness" (by Patricia Lewis)


INTRODUCING OUR THEME: Our theme today is "New Life." New life is found in Christ Jesus. That is the hope declared in our Baptism. That is the truth declared in the Scriptures. That is the promised declared for our lives!

As we come to the readings of God's Holy Word in the Scriptures, let us pray for the "New Life" that God wants to offer!


Father of peace, we are joyful in Your Word, your Son Jesus Christ, who reconciles us to You. Through His own love and devotion to You, "New Life" has been offered to us all. May we hear and digest Your Word in heart and mind, and living action; through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

NEW TESTAMENT: Ephesians 2: 1-10

God gave us a new life in Christ

[We are not saved by our own doing, but by grace.]

THE PSALTER: Psalm 139: 1-18

God's complete knowledge and care

[God's steadfast love endures forever.]

GOSPEL READING: John 3: 14-21

Man's rejection of Jesus brought life.

[For God so loved the world.]


The disciples said to Jesus: "To whom Lord, should we go?

For You alone have the words of Eternal Life."

In a world of humanity where people struggle to understand purpose and meaning. - In a world where people can run back to their corners of the globe, but cannot hide themselves from others. - In a world where peace comes at a premium price. - In this world of ours today - we need to hear the Word of God again for our lives -

"God loved His world so much that He sent His beloved to be with us.

This God did so that all could entrust their very lives,

souls and bodies to Him--not for death, but for life!

For God did not send His Son to us to consign us to eternal damnation,

but so that through Him God's world (and we) may be restored

to health and wholeness for all eternity." (John 3:16-17)

(Rendered by dthe Rev. John Maynard, Kilcunda, Victoria, Australia)


A DRAMATISED READING: (for Three Voices)

Reader 1: Jesus met with Nicodemus

Reader 2: A Pharisee, an important man.

Reader 3: Nicodemus had lots of questions for Jesus

Reader 1: I know you are a teacher sent by God

Reader 2: But how can a grown man be born again?

Reader 3: What does it mean to be born of the Spirit?

Reader 1: And Jesus told him many important things.

Reader 2: He said…

Reader 3: Remember in the desert, God told Moses to lift up a metal snake on a pole

Reader 1: So that if anyone was bitten by a snake they should look up

at that bronze snake and may not die but be restored

to health?

Reader 2: In the same way the Son of Man must be lifted up

Reader 3: So that everyone

Reader 1: Everyone

Reader 2: Everyone who believes in him may not die but be restored

to health and wholeness for all eternity.

Reader 3: For God loved the world

Reader 1: For God loved the world SO MUCH

Reader 2: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.

Reader 3: So that everyone

Reader 1: Everyone

Reader 2: Everyone who believes in him may not die but be restored

to health and wholeness for all eternity.

Reader 3: For God did not send his Son into the world

Reader 1: To be its judge

Reader 2: But to be its saviour.

Reader 3: Whoever believes in the Son is not judged

Reader 1: But

Reader 2: Whoever does not believe

Reader 3: Has already been judged

Reader 1: Because he has not believed in God's only Son.

Reader 2: This is how the judgement works.

Reader 3: The light!

Reader 1: The light has come!

Reader 2: The light has come into the world!

Reader 3: But people love the darkness rather than the light.

Reader 1: Because their deeds are evil.

Reader 2: Anyone who does evil things hates the light

Reader 3: And will not come into the light

Reader 1: Because he does not want his evil deeds to be shown up.

Reader 2: But whoever does what is true

Reader 3: Comes into the light

Reader 1: In order that the light may show

Reader 2: That what he did was in obedience to God.

(silence … bow your heads … silence … then look up)

Reader 3: This is the world of the Lord


(by the Rev. Lythan Nevard, United Reformed Church, Upminster, UK).




The die seems cast.

We are the perishable, the eminently perishable of all creatures.

Eagles and roos, koalas and platypus, all perish at last,

their flesh returned to dust.

Homo sapiens, you and I, are more perishable than they,

for in soul-being we may also perish, long before the flesh wears out

and returns to the clay.

Love alone is our hope, love of infinite cost,

the imperishable love of someone whose love,

greater than life, persists in death

and reverses the doom that stalks the steps

of the lost.

That such a love should ever be

is blood-writ in eternity.

(For use in worship, with acknowledgement. Copyright Bruce D. Prewer, Lent 3B, 2003.)

* HYMN OF FAITH: TIS #164 (AHB #105) - "The Great Love of God" (vs. 1-2 only)

1. The great love of God is revealed in the Son,

who came to this earth to redeem every one.

2. That love, like a stream flowing clear to the sea,

makes clean every heart that from sin would be free.

-- by Daniel T. Niles, 1908-1970.

SHARING GOD'S WORD: Proclaiming the Good News


As with God's mercy and grace, so also with God's love - it reveals God as the One who cares for creation. God's mercy gives hope to the weary. God's grace gives new life to all who believe. God's love gives light to the world. In Jesus Christ the fullness of God is made known once and for all. So hope in Christ that you may be strong; have faith and receive the gift that is eternal; live in love and let the light shine. "For God so loved the world ..."

(by James G. Kirk, "When We Gather", Year B, p. 60.)

Sermon Starters:

What leaves us grumbling in the wilderness? What is our wilderness? Are we in denial of our own brokenness? Our actions could result in the suffering of others. How does this lead us away from God? How does God work with the things that happen in life, both good and bad? Explore possible areas of grace, places of healing where God opens another door. We need to recognize the grace that is there, not block it; we need to open ourselves to its good possibilities.

(from 'Gathering', United Church of Canada, 2009.)


Even at the height of the dot.com meltdown, executives were drawing immense salaries. As some of the largest corporations collapsed last spring and summer and the life savings of shareholders were wiped out, executives collected huge salaries and even more valuable stock options. What does it mean to be rich? What does it mean to speak of a God who is "rich in mercy" or who "shows the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness"? God's response to our need was not information, education, technology or an economist, but a Saviour.

(from 'Gathering', United Church of Canada, 2003.)


God of all mercy, by Your power to heal and to forgive, graciously cleanse us from all sin and make us strong; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN.

(by Horace T. Allen, Jr. "Handbook for the Lectionary", Geneva Press, 132.)


* SCRIPTURE HYMN: TIS #602 (AHB #525) - "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go"

/or/ Sing Alleluia #95 - "Where Love and Loving kindness Dwell"

/or/ TIS #341 (AHB #257) - "My song is Love Unknown" (Verses 1-2, 4, 6-7)



(by David Beswick)

1. O painful, painful, painful day!

My Lord, my flesh, my son;

the breath of life you breathed away,

was life in God now won.

2. The pain of birth you chose to make

a sign of God's new life.

So for God's Kingdom you now take

the pain, the curse, the knife.

3. "Here is, your son", you said to me,

"Mother", to one well loved.

Disciples all, we are to be,

in grief and love embraced.

4. O painful, painful, painful day!

That joy through tears may come,

I do believe, and hope to say,

when you have led me home.

[86.86 Tune: PIETA by Gordon Ramsay, or ST. MAGNUS, or MORNING SONG.]

[Click here for music composed by Gordon Ramsey for this hymn.: http://www.beswick.info/rclresources/pieta3.gif ]

THE CREED: The Nicene Creed /or/ The Apostles Creed

[In unity with Christians through the ages, let us stand and affirm our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed (the Apostles Creed) ... ]


Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

We believe in Jesus Christ who,

though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited,

but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

And being found in human form,

he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death

-- even death on a cross.

Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name

that is above every name,

so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

-- Philippians 2:5-11




(** Recommended)

/See/ "Traces of Glory", by David Adam, Year B, pp. 55-57.

/or/ "Let Us Pray" by Janet Nelson, pp. 114-115.

/or/ "Companion to the RCL" by Christine Odell, Vol I, p. 78.

/or/ "When We Gather" by James G. Kirk, Year B, p. 61.

/or/ "Prayers for the Seasons of God's People", Year B, pp. 81-82.

/or/ "Lord for All Seasons", by Ted Burge, p. 105.


[Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

Gracious God, we come to You today with our prayers and petitions, our concerns for ourselves, our concerns for others. We ask that You hear our prayers, and that they become as important to You as they are to us. But in Hearing our prayers, O God, allow us to discover ways in which we ourselves can participate in their fulfilment. Lord, make us instruments of Your peace. Use us in redeeming the world ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

We pray, O God, for Your Church throughout the world: that it may share to the full the work of the Kingdom, revealing Your Love to all humanity and reconciling every person to you through Jesus Christ. We pray, too, that Christians may learn to love one another, as You have loved us, and that Your church may more and more exhibit the unity that is Your will and Your gift ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

Father, we pray that we and all Christians may be what You want us to be, and do what You want us to do. We pray for contentment with whatever comes our way. May we attain peace of mind through simple service in Christian love ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

We pray for our Nation, Lord. May none of us exploit others, may none be neglected or forgotten. We pray for political saneness and economic well-being. In our duties to our sovereign, to our country, and to society, may we be quick to praise those who do their best, and recognise true worth. May all within our shores work for the common good and the well-being of every individual ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

Lord, we pray for the life of the world - that every nation may seek the way that leads to peace, and that no person on earth be in want or poverty. We pray that human rights and freedom may everywhere be respected and that the world's resources may be ungrudgingly shared ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

Gracious God, we pray for homes and families - That husbands and wives may accept lifelong marriage as their ideal. We pray for broken homes and those in danger of breaking up - that Your Love may redeem and fulfil. We pray for the homeless. We pray that no family or person may have to face a lifetime without a hope or encouraging future ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

We pray, Lord, for those who are ill, at home or in hospital ... /intercessions/ ... May the illnesses that we experience in life, through body or mind, not break our spirit. May You offer to all who suffer Your healing touch. Bring us and those for whom we pray to health and wholeness ... [Lord, in Your Love ... "HEAR OUR PRAYER."]

Lord in Your love, hear our prayers, the spoken and unsaid. Act upon them according to Your will and love for Your humanity and creation; through Christ our Lord. AMEN.


(The following prayers can be used or you can substitute your own)

We pray for the Churches and religious groups around the world

that we may be a living example of loving and nurturing community,

and that we may become a voice for those who are hungry for bread, starving for justice.

Leader: God, our Mother, in your love:

People: hear our prayer.

We pray for leaders around the world,

that they may work to overcome the barriers between peoples

and help to foster a spirit of global community, a genuine sense of human togetherness.

Leader: God, our Father, in your love:

People: hear our prayer.

We pray for mothers everywhere old and young.

We pray especially for those who find motherhood hard,

and for those for whom motherhood has not been possible.

Leader: God, our Friend, in your love:

People: hear our prayer.

We pray for our own local community here ….

We pray for those who feel excluded from us, through poverty, disability or illness.

We pray especially for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS,

and for all those excluded from our communities through discrimination and prejudice.

Leader: God, our Neighbour, in your love:

People: hear our prayer.

(from 'Starters For Sunday', Church of Scotland, 2009.)



"To Jerusalem, that binds them together in unity, the tribes of the Lord go up to give him praise." (Psalm 122:3-4)


* COMMUNION/OFFERTORY: TIS #526 (AHB #451) - "Lord Jesus Christ,

You Have Come to Us" (by Patrick R.N. Appleford)

/or/ TIS #217 (AHB #148) - "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" [Hyfrydol]


O God of boundless love, You restore our strength through faith in Your goodness. You look with favour upon us and through Christ redeem us. You take not Yourself from us, but promise Your presence through the gift of Your Spirit. You come from behind to push us, and go before us as our guide. Accept now what we bring You in response to Your encompassing care of us; through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(by James G. Kirk, "When We Gather", Year B, p. 61.)


O God of justice and mercy, Your way commands our obedience, Your grace gives us encouragement. We can do nothing apart from the blessings You bestow. Alive with the presence of Your indwelling Spirit, we are bold to offer what we have as signs of our devotion. Accept what we bring, and multiply its effectiveness, for the sake of Jesus, Your gift to us. AMEN.


Gracious God, accept these gifts which we offer in response to the riches of Your immeasurable love. Strengthen us with Your Spirit to witness to that love in all we do and say, so that others may come to believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. AMEN.


According to Luke when our Risen Lord was at table with His disciples, He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognised Him. From that day onwards they gave witness to the Risen Lord through Word and Sacrament. Today we do the same.


Leader: The Lord be with you!


Lift up your hearts.


Let us give thanks to the Lord our God:


It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,

for in lasting love you gave your only Son,

so that all who trust in him may have eternal life.

In the beginning you spoke the word of life

and brought the world into being.

You rescued a people from oppression,

and even when they rebelled against you

you heard their cries and snatched them from danger.

In great love and mercy,

you sent your Son, Jesus, into the world,

and though he was lifted up on the cross to die,

you gave the gift of life to all who turned to him in faith.

Raising him from the dead,

you have given us life in him,

not because of any works of our own,

but as a gift from the immeasurable riches of your grace

given us in Christ,

now and for the ages to come.

And so we praise You with the faithful of every time and place, joining with choirs of angels and the whole creation in the eternal hymn:

ALL: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the One whose coming we await with joy.

Hosanna in the highest.

(Copyright 2003 Nathan Nettleton www.laughingbird.net,



Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

This great season of grace is your gift to your family

to renew us in spirit.

You give us strength to purify our hearts,

to control our desires,

and so to serve you in freedom.

You teach us how to live in this passing world

with our hearts set on the world that will never end.

Now, with all the saints and angels,

we praise you for ever ...

ALL: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the One whose coming we await with joy.

Hosanna in the highest.

(from 'CanticaNova', http://www.canticanova.com/planning/year-b/pln14b_l.htm)



Holy God, you brought a new relationship to birth in Jesus Christ to bring your unconditional love into even greater focus. He graced lives with healing and hope, with compassion and power and as if that were not enough, he gave his very life for us. On the night of his betrayal, as he sat at the table and broke bread with his friends, he said: 'Take and eat; this is my body which is broken for you. Remember me each time you do this.' After they had eaten, he took the cup, and said: 'Remember me as you drink from this, for it is my life, poured out for you - the beginning of a new relationship with God.'

God of all power, breathe your Holy Spirit upon us, and upon these gifts of bread and wine, that they may be for us the life of Christ and that we may make that life visible through our faithful witness to the gospel. In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN.

(by Moira B. Laidlaw, http://www.liturgiesonline.com.au/liturgies/main/index.php?ch_table=link4&PID=2&SID=&year=B)



(Modern Version)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours,

now and forever. AMEN.

-- English Language Liturgical Consultation (ELLC)


(An Alternate Translation)

Our Father in heaven, may Your name be honoured.

May Your kingdom come, and Your will be done

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today the food we need.

Forgive us our wrongdoings

as we forgive those who have wronged us.*

Bring us through the hard-testing times

and deliver us from evil's ways.

For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours

now and forever! AMEN.

[translated and adapted by Rev. John Maynard]

(* = or "Forgive us our offences

as we forgive those who have offended us.")


(An Adaptation in Verse)

Our Father in heaven, may Your name be kept

in reverence, honour and awe.

Let Your Reign come and Your will be done,

on earth as in heaven for all.

Feed us today with the food we need;

nourish, refresh us, we pray.

Forgive our wrongdoings as we forgive

those who have wronged us along the way.

And as we go through hard-testing times

deliver us from Evils way.

For the Reign, the Power and Glory are Yours

today and forever always. AMEN.

[Translated by Rev. John Maynard, Copyright 2005.

May be used freely for public worship or personal devotion.]



Minister: (in breaking the bread)

Christ is the bread of joy, who shares food with sinners


Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body,

for we all partake of the one bread.

Minister: (in pouring the wine; or lifting the cup)

Christ is the cup of life, who revives the faint-hearted.


The cup which we bless is the communion in blood of Christ.


We break this bread and take this cup so that we can all share

in the life of Christ: God's gifts for God's people.


The bread we now break and the cup we take are a sharing in the life of Christ (fraction) As we take this cup of blessing and as we share this bread of life we proclaim his death with gratitude and celebrate his resurrection with joy

The minister holds out the bread and the cup to the people and says:

Let us receive what we are;

let us become what we receive.

The body of Christ.


Jesus, Firstborn of Mary: HAVE MERCY ON US.

Jesus, Saviour of the world: HAVE MERCY ON US.

Jesus, Monarch of heaven: GRANT US PEACE.


Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: HAVE MERCY ON US.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: HAVE MERCY ON US.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: GRANT US YOUR PEACE.

ALL: Lord, we are not worthy to receive You,

but only say the word and we shall be healed. AMEN.


Jesus said: I am the Bread of life.

The one who comes to me shall never be hungry,

and the one who believes in me shall never thirst!

Come to the Table:

Here is the Bread of Life for You;

The Cup of Salvation for You.


Receive this holy sacrament of the body and blood of Christ,

and feed on him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving.


/ … according to local custom … /

Ministering Words:

The Bread of Life for You

The Cup of Salvation for You

/or/ The Body of Christ for You

The Blood of Christ for You

/may be sung or played during the distribution .../

Eat this bread, drink this cup: Come to me and never be hungry.

Eat this bread, drink this cup: Trust in me and you will not thirst.

(TIS #714 - "Eat This Bread" from the Taizé Community)


AFTER DISTRIBUTION: (If the 'Agnus Dei' is not used)

Jesus is the lamb of God

Who takes away the sin of the world.

Happy are they who have been called to His supper.


Leader - Bless the Lord, O my soul!

PEOPLE - And that is within us, bless God's holy name!

Leader - Bless the lord, O my soul!

PEOPLE - And forget not all God's benefits!


Lord, we give thanks for these holy mysteries which bring to us here on earth a share in the life to come. We rejoice that you are our creator and ruler. As we call upon your generosity, renew and keep us in your love.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(from 'CanticaNova' Publications)


Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve:

to give, and not to count the cost;

to fight, and not to heed the wounds;

to toil, and not to seek for rest;

to labour, and not to ask for any reward,

except that of knowing that we do your holy will;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

-- Ignatius Loyola, 1491-1556

* HYMN OF COMMITMENT: TIS #238 (AHB #179) - "Christ is the World's True Light"

/or/ TIS #246 (AHB #191) - "Christ is the World's Light, He and None Other"


Father, look with love upon Your people, the love which our Lord Jesus Christ showed us when He delivered Himself to evil men and suffered the agony of the cross. Grant this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(from CanticaNOVA Publications)


Cry out to the Lord, and God will hear you!

The Lord our God will do great things for us!

The Lord will satisfy all those who are thirsty for right-living!

The Lord will fill every kind of hunger with good things!

(by Neil Young, Erindale United Church, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 2009.)


Go out into the world in peace. Be intolerant of evil but treat no person as worthless trash. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who abuse you. Trust not your own goodness but the grace of God. In every situation give thanks.

(paraphrase by Bruce D. Prewer)


May the Lord make you strong to serve the world in the love of Christ Jesus ... And may the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Be with you now and stay with you always. AMEN.


Walk as children of the light, children of the day, in all goodness and righteousness, and have no dealings with the works of darkness ...

And may the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Be with you now and stay with you always. AMEN.

(by David Adam, "Traces of Glory", Year B, p. 56.)


Go into this week eager to share God's love with the world

Filled with the assurance that God loves you,

Overflowing with the indestructible life of Jesus Christ,

Replenished with the creative power of the Holy Spirit ...

And may the blessing of God almighty ... AMEN.

(by Moira Laidlaw, Lent 4B, 2003.)


Go in peace - love and care for one another in the name of Christ;

And may the blessings of the God of Love Amazing and Divine be upon you,

Indeed may the love of God the Father - the Son - and The Holy Spirit

Fill you and use you wondrously both now and forevermore. AMEN.

(by Richard J. Fairchild, Lent 3B, 2003.)

* BENEDICTION: "CHRIST BE BESIDE ME" [Tune: Bunnessan, 'Morning Has Broken]]

Christ on our right hand, Christ on our left hand,

Christ all around us, shield in the strife.

Christ in our sleeping, Christ in our sitting,

Christ in our rising, light of our life.

-- from St. Patrick's Breastplate, 8th century.

(adapted by James Quinn)


"THE DOXOLOGY" (TIS #768ii Tune: Fairhill)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God all creatures here below,

Praise God above the heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


"SENT FORTH BY GOD'S BLESSING (TIS #531, vs. 1) [Tune: The Ash Grove]

Sent forth by God's blessing, our true faith confessing,

The people of God from His table take leave.

The supper is ended; may now be extended

The fruits of His service in all who believe.

The seed of His teaching, our hungry souls reaching,

Shall blossom in action for all human kind.

His grace shall incite us, His love shall unite us

To work for His kingdom, His purpose to find.

(by Omer Westendorf)



The hymn "Pieta" that I wrote originally for this day as well as Good Friday is in the order of service to provide a response to the message today about the sacrifice of Christ, based on the text in John 3:14-15 about his being "lifted up". I do not, however, begin with this but with the Old Testament [Numbers 21: 4-9] lesson where the story about Moses making a bronze image of a snake is told. It is a strange very symbolic story about people who rebelled against God, even wondering if they might not be better off back in slavery from which God had saved them. The word translated "poisonous" -- the Lord sent "poisonous snakes" -- also means "fiery". So the image Moses made was of a "fiery serpent."

There are other places where "fiery serpents" or "flying fiery serpents" figure in strange code like the saying of the prophet Isaiah [eg 14:29] about the threat of a foreign army. Those sayings deal with real threats to life and well being. What Moses did was to make the image of the threat a kind of promise of escape.

Then there is a more strange use of the idea of "fiery" things helping people to be reconciled to God. In Isaiah's vision of God in the Temple when he was called to become a prophet, a "fiery" being called a "Seraph", a kind of angel, flew to him with a burning coal from the alter, which touched his lips and his sins were forgiven. The strange image of an agent of God bringing forgiveness and reconciliation is taken up again in the gospel.

After speaking with Nicodemus about making a new start in life, being born again, Jesus, who came from God, likens himself to the image of the snake, the "fiery serpent" that Moses had set up in the wilderness for the people to look at and be assured of their escape from death [John 3:14-15]. By taking himself the form of the rebel Jesus liberated humanity: by looking to him on the cross the antidote to their poison was found. What more I could say about the cost of it, and the wonder of our salvation, is better said in the poem, which is called "Pieta".

(by David Beswick, Full Sermon may be found at -
