2 Peter 1: 16-21 (links validated 1/29/24)

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last Sunday, 2:10 pm

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Resources from 2023

  • Sermon Starters (Transfiguration)(A)(2023)

    by Doug Bratt
    In his book, Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955, Harald Jahner writes about a set of rules the philosopher Karl Jaspers established for discussions concerning the question of guilt. Jesus’ friends, including preachers, might see it as a parable for our posture toward the Scriptures, including the prophets. “Jaspers was sure that the most effective cleansing of Germans must consist of a profound change in their attitude towards discussion: ‘Germany can only return to itself when we communicate with one another.’ For Jaspers, the precondition for this was unsparing honesty. “He knew that through excessive relativization we can duck out of obligations, and therefore urgently demanded: ‘Let us learn to talk to one another. That is, let us not merely repeat our opinion, but hear what the other person thinks. Let us not only assert, but reflect in context, listen for reasons, prepared to reach a new insight. Let us inwardly attempt to assume the position of the other...
  • We’ve Heard It All Before

    by Nikki Finkelstein-Blair
  • A Warning to Believers

    by Glenn Monson

Resources from 2017 to 2022

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Resources from 2012 to 2016

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  • Sell the Farm

    by Dan Bollerud
  • Transfiguration of Our Lord (A)(2014)

    by Stan Mast
    Illustrations of that postmodern perspective are everywhere in popular literature. Think of The Life of Pi, at the end of which the author suggests that this whole fantastic tale of a shipwrecked Indian boy and his tiger might be just one version of the true story. Did it happen that way at all? It doesn’t matter. It’s a good story. Or think of Atonement, in which the narrator admits at the very end that she has told the story the way she did to make atonement for the way she wrecked so many lives. The story is designed not to tell the truth, but to re-shape, even redeem, ruined lives. - See more at: Illustrations of that postmodern perspective are everywhere in popular literature. Think of The Life of Pi, at the end of which the author suggests that this whole fantastic tale of a shipwrecked Indian boy and his tiger might be just one version of the true story. Did it happen that way at all? It doesn’t matter. It’s a good story. Or think of Atonement, in which the narrator admits at the very end that she has told the story the way she did to make atonement for the way she wrecked so many lives. The story is designed not to tell the truth, but to re-shape, even redeem, ruined lives...
  • The Voice-Activated Life

    Sermon Starter by Leonard Sweet
  • Proof of Heaven?

    by Carlos Wilton

Resources from the Archives

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Children's Resources and Dramas

The Classics

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