Isaiah 12: 1-6 (links validated 12/27/23)

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Resources from 2018 to 2023

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  • Proper 28C (2022)

    by Tyler Boyer
  • Trust

    by Frederick Buechner
  • Advent 3C (2021)

    by Adam Hearlson
  • Advent 3C (2021)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Advent 3C (2018)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Sermon Starters (Advent 3C)(2021)

    by Scott Hoezee
    Many of us have little experience with genuine thirst. We open our faucets thoughtlessly and know water will come out every time. We waste no small amount of water, letting the shower run for a few minutes so the water is nice and hot even before we get in, we flush the toilet just to get rid of a single tissue, and so forth. Most of us have never known a truly thirsty day in our lives. True, sometimes we have a medical procedure coming up at 10:30 one morning and so the doctor orders us to be “NPO after midnight,” meaning no food or water until the test is finished. Some while ago I had to have no water 5 hours before a procedure and even that short period of time was enough for me to complain how dry my mouth was. But in the grand scheme of things, those few waterless hours are nothing and there is not even a remote chance we will become dehydrated. Yet even so we can complain loudly about how thirsty we are and oh won’t it be great to get a glass of ice water once that scan (or whatever) is finished! People in the Ancient Near East knew about hot, arid climates and they knew what it was like to be far from the next “watering hole” where they might get a drink. The idea of abundant wells and having constant access to them would be a source of joy to such people in ways many of us can but dimly imagine.
  • Advent 3C (2021)

    by Levi Jones
  • Advent 3C (2018)

    by Levi Jones
  • God Who Saves

    Art and Theology by Victoria Jones
    “Surely, It Is God Who Saves” | Text: Adapted from Canticle 9, “The First Song of Isaiah,” in the Book of Common Prayer (based on Isaiah 12:2–6) | Music by Uptown Worship Band
  • Proper 28C (2019)

    from A Plain Account
  • Advent 3C

    by Howard Wallace
  • The First Song of Isaiah

    Choral by Jack Noble White
    (If you haven't done this choral with your music ministry [full-blown with organ, guitars, children, handbells, etc. or simply with just piano or guitar), you don't know what you're missing!! I still get goose-bumps listening to this piece!! Watch the little girl in the red dress to the right of the screen!!)
  • The Holy One Among Us

    by Samuel Zumwalt

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