Jeremiah 20: 7-13 (links validated 5/23/23)

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  • Proper 7A (2020)

    by Charles Aaron, Jr.
  • Between an Insistent God and Resistant People

    by Kathy Donley
    While we were on vacation, Jim and I came across John Brown’s farm in North Elba, New York. You will remember John Brown the abolitionist who led the raid on the armory at Harpers’ Ferry just before the Civil War. I mentioned our visit to his farm to some friends who told me about a book based on his life called Good Lord Bird. It has just been released as a TV series. I wanted to show you a clip from it, but everything I could find was too violent for our context. So I just have this screen shot. Until two weeks ago, what I knew about John Brown was what I learned in middle school social studies, that he was an abolitionist who was executed for insurrection at Harper’s Ferry. It turns out that his story is much more complicated than that. But based on that memory from school, I guess I pictured him fairly mild-mannered, maybe like I imagined the scholarly Henry David Thoreau who went to jail for refusing to pay his taxes. If you had asked, I might have described John Brown like that, but just a bit tougher. Then I watched the first episode of Good Lord Bird where Brown is portrayed as wild and slightly mad. And because Jeremiah lives in my brain right now, I began to wonder what John Brown and Jeremiah might have in common. John Brown’s biographers described him as both “extraordinary” and “a victim of mental delusions.” Some called him a terrorist, but others said that his struggle against slavery was very personal and religious. Biographer Stephen Oates said that he was “maligned as a demented dreamer, but that he was in fact one of the most perceptive human beings of his generation.”...
  • Dark Days

    from Faith Element
  • Proper 7A (2014)

    by Terence Fretheim
  • Proper 7A (2014)

    by Phil Heinze
  • The Pain of Prophecy

    by John Holbert
  • Proper 7A (2020)

    by Lisa Michaels
  • Proper 7A (2014)

    by Wesley White
  • Proper 7A (2017)

    by Alphonetta Wines

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