Joshua 4:19 - 5:12 (links validated 3/8/22)

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New Resources

  • Let "It" Go

    by Jim Chern
  • Exegesis (Joshua 5:9-12)

    by Richard Donovan
  • Lent 4C (2022)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Sermon Starters (Lent 4C)(2022)

    by Scott Hoezee
    Some years ago I read an anecdote about actor Anthony Hopkins, who played a chief butler in the fine film The Remains of the Day. Wealthy people have servants around them precisely because they expect the goodies of life to appear on cue. But the truly arrogant among the rich want to believe they are entitled to such pampered care and so don’t want to feel beholden to anyone for it, including to the servants who do the caretaking. Hopkins says that the rich man at dinner expects his wine glass to be full each time he reaches for it, expects his plate to disappear the moment he lays his knife and fork down. The rich man just wants this to happen because he deserves it and so doesn’t want to have to thank anyone for doing for him what he deems is only fitting to begin with. So the trick to being a good butler is complete obsequiousness–an ability to blend into the woodwork and be no more noticeable on the fringes of the dining room than a floor lamp or the andirons at the fireplace. In fact, in researching his role, Hopkins interviewed a real-life butler who summed up a good butler this way: the room seems emptier when he’s in it...
  • Lent 4C (2022)

    by Tyler Mayfield
  • Lent 4C (2022)

    by Matt Pollock
  • Lent 4C

    by Howard Wallace

Resources from 2019 to 2021

Resources from 2016 to 2018

  • Property Rights

    by Tom Beam
  • Arrival in the Land

    by Bob Cornwall
  • Lent 4C (2016)

    by Samuel Giere
  • Lent 4C (2016)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Eating Your Own Crops

    by John Holbert
  • God Saves

    by Paul Jaster
  • Spitting Out Kuhn's Prayer

    by Terrance Klein
    In his memoir of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, Primo Levi recalls how the prisoners were periodically pared down. Those too ill to work were sent to their deaths. It was a capricious culling. The prisoners were forced to run out one barrack door and into another. Here, in front of the two doors stand the arbiter of our fate, an SS officer. On his right is the Blockältester, on his left, the quartermaster of the barrack. Each of us, as he comes naked out of the Tagesraum into the cold October air, has to run the few steps between the two doors, in front of the three men, give the card to the SS officer, and go back through the dormitory door.
  • Lent 4C (2016)

    by Wesley White
  • Manna Moments

    by Carl Wilton
    There’s a substance in Tolkien’s "The Lord of the Rings" that functions very much like manna in the Bible. Tolkien, of course — a professor of ancient literature at Oxford — was a deeply Christian man, a committed Roman Catholic. When faced with the problem of explaining what food Frodo and Sam would find to eat, as they crossed the scorched, volcanic hellscape of the land of Mordor, Tolkien invented a kind of manna that they carried with them — a gift of the elves. It’s called lembas, a magical bread. It’s durable as hardtack, but tastes far better. Lembas cakes would keep for many months, as long as they stayed wrapped in a certain magical leaf. Even a bite or two was enough to sustain you for a whole day.

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