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Resources for Motherhood

New Resources

Members see 1 resource in this category.

Illustrated Resources from the Archives

  • A Mother's Influence

    by Sil Galvan
    Your gentle guidance has immeasurably influenced all that I have done, all that I do, and all that I will ever do. Your spirit is indelibly imprinted on all that I have been, all that I am, and all that I will ever be. Thus, you are a part of all that I accomplish and all that I become. And so it is that when I help my neighbor, your helping hand is there also. When I ease the pain of a friend, they owe a debt to you. When I show a child a better way, either by word or by example, you are the teacher once removed. Because everything I do reflects values learned from you, any wrong that I right, any heart I may brighten, any gift that I share, or burden I may lighten, is in its own small way a tribute to you. Because you gave me life, and more importantly, lessons in how to live, you are the wellspring from which flows all good I may achieve in my time on earth. For all that you are and all that I am, thank you, Mom.
  • Sacrificial Love

    by Sil Galvan
    ("My mother and I never had one of those cutesy 'dress in matching mother-daughter clothes' relationships. But it was good, until my teenage years when my mother became my opponent in a battle of wills. In the confused, uncertain mind of a teenager, this translated to, 'She doesn't care, understand or love me.'...")

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Other Resources from 2017 to 2023

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Members see 10 resources in this category.

Other Resources from the Archives

Members see 44 resources in this category.

Music Resources

Members see 1 resource in this category.

Worship Resources (Archives)

Members see 17 resources in this category.

Children's Resources and Dramas

Members see 7 resources in this category.

Currently Unavailable

Members see 1 resource in this category.