October 14 Twentieth after Pentecost
Job 23:19, 1617
Job offers his complaint against God.
Psalm 22:115 (VU pp. 744745 Part One)
My God, why have you forsaken me?
Hebrews 4:1216
The word of God is living, active, sharper than a two-edged sword.
Mark 10:1731
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.
World Food Day is observed around this time. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank produces great resources to help churches learn about food justice and participate in the Fast for Change. Look for liturgical resources and great videos at www.fastforchange.ca or www.foodgrainsbank.ca.
Theme Engagement Question
It will never happen. I cant do that! What has God made possible in your life that at one time you considered impossible?
With Children
What did Jesus mean by using the image of the camel and the eye of a needle? Demonstrate with a large darning needle. What size thread will go through the needles eye? Use a toy camel. Would it go through the eye? Would a real camel? Why is it so hard to give up or share what we own? With cold weather coming soon, you could talk with the children and congregation about how they could give up some of their possessions. For example, encourage the congregation to have a winter coat drive for a local outreach agency.
Sermon Starter
Stewardship campaigns are often in full swing at this time of year. Jesus can sound quite harsh in his judgment of the wealthy and their entrance into the realm of God, but Christians are called to be countercultural and share what they have. For comfortable, middle-class Christians, Jesus discussion of wealth and of giving up possessions is hard to hear. Shane Claiborne is one who is following this call and he shares some of his story in The Irresistible Revolution (Zondervan, 2006). The gospel text invites us to explore how we share our wealth. How do we share our wealth? What do we receive when we share? How are we changed in this life? Jesus words are encouraging when he says, For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible. What do we think is impossible? What does God make possible through us?
Hebrew Scripture
VU 670 Precious Lord, take my hand
MV 72 Why stand so far away
MV 85 Take, O take me as I am
MV 73 O God, why are you silent?
VU 322 O God, whose first creative word
VU 498 God, who has caused to be written
MV 97 Listen, God is calling
MV 108 I know your word
VU 120 O Jesus, I have promised
VU 506 Take my life and let it be
VU 567 Will you come and follow me
VU 702 When a poor one