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Ordinary 15B

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2021)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2021)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2018 to 2020)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2015 to 2017)

  • Ordinary 15B (2015)

    by Hal Belcher
    I recently re-read parts of a book written by Henri Nouwen, a Catholic priest, who is well known for his writings on spirituality and theology. The book is “Life of the Beloved,” subtitled Spiritual Living in a Secular World. This book has certainly helped me in my understanding more about what it means to be beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children, and friends loved or wounded us. That’s the truth of our lives. That’s the truth we need to claim for ourselves – we are God’s beloved. Even though it is true that we are the beloved we must continually work at becoming the beloved...
  • Ordinary 15B (2015)

    by Amy Hoover
  • Ordinary 15B (2015)

    by Eugene Lobo, SJ
  • The "In" Crowd

    from Presentation Ministries
  • Christ's Strategic Mission Plan

    by Steven Scherrer, MM

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2015 to 2017)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2012 to 2014)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2009 to 2011)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(Archives)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(Archives)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Music Suggestions

Worship Resources (2021)

Worship Resources (2015 to 2017)

Powerpoint, Images and Clip Art for Worship

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