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Ordinary 16B

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2021)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2021)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(2018 to 2020)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2018 to 2020)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2015 to 2017)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2012 to 2014)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(2009 to 2011)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RC)(Archives)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)

Commentaries and Lectionary Reflections (RCL)(Archives)

(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these resources.)
  • Speaking Louder than Words

    by Michaela Bruzzese
  • Proper 11B (2006)

    by Peggy Hoppes
  • Proper 11B (2006)

    by Tod Mundo
  • Proper 11B (2003)

    by Tod Mundo
  • Our Future Belongs to God

    by Nathan Nettleton
  • What I Learned in My Time as Interim Pastor

    by Paul Nuechterlein
    I’d also like to tell a story which I have gleaned from Chris Hedges’ book War is a force that gives us meaning. Hedges is a war correspondent who covered the Bosnian war extensively, and he tells of meeting the Soraks, a Bosnian Serb couple in a largely Muslim enclave. The couple had been largely indifferent to the nationalist propaganda of the Bosnian Serb leadership. But when the Serbs started to bomb their town, Goražde, the Muslim leadership in the town became hostile to them, and eventually the Soraks lost their two sons to Muslim forces. One of their sons was a few months shy of becoming a father. In the city under siege, conditions got worse and worse, and in the midst of this Rosa Sorak’s widowed daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby girl. With the food shortages, the elderly and infants were dying in droves, and after a short time, the baby, given only tea to drink, began to fade. Meanwhile, on the eastern edge of Goražde, Fadil Fejziæ, an illiterate Muslim farmer, kept his cow, milking her by night so as to avoid Serbian snipers. On the fifth day of the baby having only tea, just before dawn, Fejziæ appeared at the door with half a litre of milk for the baby. He refused money. He came back with milk every day for 442 days, until the daughter in law and granddaughter left for Serbia. During this time he never said anything. Other families in the street started to insult him, telling him to give his milk to Muslims and let the Chetnik (the pejorative term for Serbs) die. But he did not relent. Later the Soraks moved, and lost touch with Fejziæ. But Hedges went and sought him out. The cow had been slaughtered for meat before the end of the siege, and Fejziæ had fallen on hard times. But, as Hedges says: When I told him I had seen the Soraks, his eyes brightened. “And the baby?” he asked “How is she?”
  • Proper 11B (2006)

    by Anthony Robinson
  • A Wide Embrace

    by Robert Roth

Music Suggestions

Prayers of the People

Worship Resources (2021)

Worship Resources (2018 to 2020)

Powerpoint, Images and Clip Art for Worship

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