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Ordinary 22 (Proper 17)(Pentecost 14)

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General Commentaries and Worship Aids

Members see 11 resources in this category.

Matthew 16: 21-27

Members see 19 resources in this category.

Romans 12: 1-2

Members see 21 resources in this category.

Romans 12: 9-21 (RCL)

Members see 2 resources in this category.

Jeremiah 20: 7-9 (RC)

Members see 2 resources in this category.

Jeremiah 15: 15-21 (RCL & EL)

Members see 2 resources in this category.

Exodus 3: 1-15 (RCL)

Members see 8 resources in this category.

Additional Resources

Members see 2 resources in this category.