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Ordinary 31 (Proper 26)(Pentecost 23)

General Commentaries and Worship Aids

Members see 11 resources in this category.

Matthew 23: 1-12

Members see 25 resources in this category.

1 Thessalonians 2: 7-9, 13

Members see 16 resources in this category.

Psalm 107: 1-7, 33-37

Members see 7 resources in this category.

Malachi 1:14b - 2:2b, 8-10

Members see 5 resources in this category.

Micah 3: 5-12

Members see 1 resource in this category.

Joshua 3: 7-17

Members see 9 resources in this category.

Additional Resources

Members see 1 resource in this category.