Je Suis Jesus
Je Suis Jesus
Sermon Starter
by Leonard Sweet

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Thirty years ago, the big hit movie, the "it" teen adventure film, was called Back To The Future (1985). It starred Michael J. Fox and in that now classic film, time travel was made possible by a machine called the "flux capacitor." This machine was "hot-wired" to the hottest car of that age, a "DeLorian." Does anyone remember the year that far-distant, fantastic-future-time-traveling teen hero lands in?

2015. Today. Looking back at the vision which that 1985 movie projected, it is hard not to feel cheated. Where are my self-lacing sneakers? Where is my floating hover-board skateboard? (A gadget that would have made tree trimming awesome!). Where, most importantly, is my flying car?

The 1985 "Back To The Future" movie was the first of three. But the same storyline continued throughout each movie. The teen hero kept traveling back in time, then forward in time, then back to his present time, then "back to the future," all in order to keep his life here and now on track. By the time this three-movie series concluded, the "space-time continuum" was a convoluted, snarly-boodled mess.

The bad news? 80's movie-goers got confused. The good news? Living in the past, the present, and the future simultaneously is not some Hollywood film. Living in the power of the one who is, the one who was, and the one who is to come is now, has always been, and always will be, the real world experience of the Christian.

How many of you can sit in the pew today and still taste the sweetness of your grandmother's cookies? How many of you can still hear the cheers from the crowd in that basketball game you starred in? How many of you can still feel the touch of a parent, sibling, spouse or friend, even though their death occurred decades ago? The past is never "past." The past is forever present - either empowering or encumbering us as we move into the future.
