6th Sunday of Easter (B)

28th May 2000


Celebrant: To remain in Christ's love we must keep his commandments. Let us pray to Christ, and ask him to intercede for our petitions.

Reader: We pray that the leaders of the Church may they always be receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and seek his guidance in their decisions and actions.

Lord, in your mercy R/ Hear our prayer.

We pray for families that are divided and suffering because of bitterness. May the Spirit of peace bring reconciliation so that wherever there is hurt there may be healing.

Lord, in your mercy R/ Hear our prayer.

We pray that our homes may be places of peace and harmony, where parents seek to guide their children in the ways of truth and love.

Lord, in your mercy R/ Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those persecuted for following Christ's teaching. May the Spirit of wisdom bring knowledge and understanding so that those in ignorance may have their hearts opened to the glory of salvation.

Lord, in your mercy R/ Hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick and the dying. May they be strengthened and encouraged by the love of friends who care for them and may their hearts hold in reverence the Lord of healing grace.

Lord, in your mercy R/ Hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our Mother, to join her prayers with ours as we say: 'Hail Mary…'

Celebrant: Almighty Father, we entrust our lives and our needs to your care. By the gift of your love bind us together as your church so that we may have the courage to live according to our convictions as followers of Christ. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, together with the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.