Prayers for Worship
December 25, 2011

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
People: The Word became flesh and lived among us.
Leader: Good Christian friends, rejoice!
People: Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save!


Jesus, we praise you for your first Advent, for entering the world through Mary so that we may live forever. Alleluia! We are in awe of the Birth. Alleluia! We exalt you for this jubilant season. Alleluia!

Prayer of Confession

God, we cannot begin to thank you adequately for the mercy you show us. We are quick to follow Satan. We obsess over things, neglecting to praise you, including by taking care of each other. We sometimes become greedy and spoiled during the holidays, making a big deal out of small matters while trivializing what matters most. When with loved ones, we at times allow dysfunction to dominate.

For the sake of the Baby, forgive us. Redirect us to what matters during these Twelve Days. Yes.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Glory to God in the highest! Through the Baby, God forgives you all your sins. You have peace on earth because of the Almighty’s mercy.
People: Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Prayer of Inspiration

Spirit of God, cradle us in the Word. Amen.

Prayers of the People

God of Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus astounds, delights, and teaches us. Unite the Church during this holy season, that we may all kneel together through acts of love. Emmanuel-Elohim, (congregational response: you come to us.).

Mother of Mary, we thank you for the United States. We praise you for the troops coming home from Iraq. Lead us all to work for peace throughout the world and to take care of creation. Help us always to push ourselves in our assistance to the needy. Emmanuel-Elohim, . . .

Lord of Compassion, the holydays are frequently stressful and painful. Keep us safe. Empower us to put aside dysfunction. Teach us to be responsible in our celebrations. Humble us to remember those for whom the holydays are especially difficult. Emmanuel-Elohim, . . .

We exalt you for healing us. Wrap your arms around everyone in need of healing, including those we mention in our hearts or out loud now. [Add names.] Enable us to give healing to each other. Emmanuel-Elohim, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

All of these prayers we lift to you in the name of the Infant Savior. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We kneel before the manger, offering our gifts to you, Jesus, Lord at your birth.


Leader: Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
People: We go out to repeat the sounding joy! Hallelujah!
