Poem/Prayer for Worship

Poem/Prayer for Worship by Thom Shuman
motley crew
what a motley crew to welcome you into the world! a horse stamping its feet to keep warm; a cow murmuring because you've disturbed her calf; a dog whimpering and twitching, chasing, in his dreams, the cat in the corner of the barn, who stares wondering what all the fuss is about. (of course, it's no surprise they are there, at that moment: since they sprang from this Child's imagination at creation's birth) and then the folks who show up from Bethlehem's welcome wagon? loners (why else do they spend their nights on cold, rocky hillsides); introverts (who else enjoys a job where you never meet another person); the strong, silent type (why else would would they want to spend all their time with sheep?!?) and yet, there they go: running and grabbing everyone like they are best friends, almost shouting: "You won't believe who we just met!" (c) 2006 Thom M. Shuman

(Comments to Thom at tmshuman@fuse.net.)

Greenhills Community Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio