Prayers for Worship
Advent 3C
December 13, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Rejoice in the Lord always;
People: again I will say, Rejoice.
Leader: Let your gentleness be known to everyone.
People: The Lord is near.
Leader: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, rejoice by giving away your clothes and food and living according to the King of Zion.
People: Yes!


Jesus, you have baptized us with the Holy Spirit and fire. Stir up both in us, so we will rejoice during this service and throughout our lives. So be it.

Prayer of Confession

Winnowing fork-Adonai, burn away our chaff. We have been heavy with complaining and blaming, light on rejoicing. We cling to our credentials, thinking that they mean that we do not need you. We are full of fear and running low on trust in you. We are greedy with our food and clothes, quick to cheat others, and often dissatisfied with what we have. For the sake of the coming Emmanuel, forgive us. Refine us. Burn us pure through your forgiveness. Come, Lord Jesus.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Exult with all your heart. The LORD has taken away the judgments against you. God rejoices over you with loud singing as on a festival day. By Christ’s blood, the Almighty burns away your sins so that your soul is as pure as the rosy-fingered dawn.
People: We respond by bearing fruits worthy of repentance.

Prayer of Inspiration

Pentecost-Ruach, wake us up to the blazing, liberating Good News in the sermon.

Prayers of the People

Joyous light of glory, we thank you for being the light of the Church from year to year. We give bright praise for martyrs such as Lucy and Church-renewers such as John of the Cross. When we stumble through the dark night of the soul, carry us to your shalom-glow. Advent-Lord, (congregational response: help us to feel you near.).

Singing light of glory, you have guided the United States, and you have filled creation with wonder. Direct leaders and citizens to care for others and the planet before themselves. Wake us up to make serious, substantial changes in response to climate-change. Advent-Lord, . . .

Joyous glory-blaze, we thank you for our Jewish siblings. You enabled them to rededicate the Temple long ago, and you continue to light their candles. Bless all those celebrating Hanukkah. Keep them safe, and fill their nights with joy. Advent-Lord, . . .

Singing glory-light, you have healed body, mind, heart, and soul. Bring comfort-comfort to those lonely, poor, and grieving during the holydays. Heal all we mention now in our hearts of aloud [Add names]. Lord of Advent-renewal, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

Musical Light of Joy, we offer these prayers to you, trusting that you will transform them into miracles. In the name of Christ we pray. Yes.

Offertory Prayer

We have two coats and much food to offer to you for the care of the needy.


Leader: The White Light Containing the Spectrum,
People: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Leader: gives you the peace which surpasses all understanding,
People: guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
