Prayers for Worship
Advent 4
December 18, 2011

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord, Father, Son, and Spirit, is with you
People: and also with you.
Leader: Do not be afraid; you have found favor with God.
People: By the Holy Spirit’s potency, the Lord’s word to us shall be fulfilled.


Jesus, we look to your birth, the first Advent, for inspiration, comfort, and instruction. We praise you for coming to save us. Lead us by the hand to share your Advents with all in need. Yes!

Prayer of Confession

God of the Messiah, you have saved us, yet we adamantly sin. We make the holydays about stuff and not about sacredness. We fret about the wrongs things. We allow dysfunction to dominate instead of the divine. You fill us with Christ, but we act empty.

For the sake of Emmanuel, forgive us. Prepare us for the comings. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Good Christian friends, rejoice! Christ was born to save! God forgives you every sin. What a present!

Prayer of Inspiration


Prayers of the People

Jesus, you have filled the Church with powerful love. We praise you for Mary, Joseph, and all the parents of the baptized. Teach us to carry you to everyone throughout this sacred season. O come, O come (congregational response: Emmanuel.).

Savior, you have filled creation with wonders. We thank you for the United States and people everywhere. Throughout this holyday time, strengthen us to be good stewards of your wealth, including by taking care of the poor. O come, O come . . .

Prince of Peace, Princess of Mercy, throughout this sparkling time, keep us safe in travel and guide us to come together with good fellowship and generosity. Help us to be responsible in our celebrating and always respectful toward each other. O come, O come . . .

Wonderful Counselor, you heal us. Heal everyone in need. Bless the grieving, imprisoned, lonely, physically, mentally, or spiritually sick, addicted, abused, abusing, and marginalized. Care for those we mention in our hearts or out loud. [Add names.] Remind us often that we have the Spirit-power to help. O come, O come . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

You have heard us. Yes! Thank you. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We offer you these gifts in celebration of your comings.


Leader: God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is with you, within you.
People: We are like Mary, full of God-News.
Leader: As you prepare for Christmas, remember whose you are.
People: Christ comes. We are ready to receive the Savior, especially by giving to the needy. Now!
