Prayers for Worship
Lent 1
March 1, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near;
People: repent, and believe in the good news.
Leader: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we follow the one who defeated the Devil in the wilderness.
People: We dedicate these forty days to the one who leads us to the Promised Land.

Prayer of Invocation

Spirit, you give us life. Inspire us throughout Lent, that this season may be a spring cleaning of the soul as we walk in the cross-shadow.

Prayer of Confession

We are but dust, and to dust we shall return. We have sinned against you by our own most grievous fault. We have defied you. We wander from your paths, ignore your teachings. We think Lent is about weight-loss instead of growing in holiness out of devotion to you. We disregard your covenants.

For the sake of the one who defeats evil, forgive us. Create in us clean hearts. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Just as Christ brought the Good News to the spirits in prison, so also does he bring the Good News to us, the baptized. Through the cross Jesus saves us from our sins. God the Mighty Fortress saves us from Satan. Because of the Beloved, the kingdom is ours forever.

Prayer of Inspiration

Breath of God, through the Word revive us against Satan.

Prayers of the People

Merciful God, we are grateful for the Church, for the gift of baptism. You have been with us throughout the centuries, faithful to your covenant. We remember with reverent gratitude reformers such as John Wesley, hymnists such as George Herbert, and martyrs such as Perpetua and Felicity. You have strangely warmed our hearts with your Spirit. Lord, (congregational response: hear us.).

Merciful Lord, you have given us a great nation and an even greater planet. Bless people of every color, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. Bring the soldiers safely home. Unite us. Give us the courage and discipline to end violence, poverty, and discrimination. Lord, . . .

Merciful Maker, we look forward to spring. Winter can be hard on us fragile humans. We thank you for the coming of new life. Help us to be spring for each other. Lord, . . .

Merciful Healer, you have cared for our bodies, minds, and souls. Heal those in need, especially [Add names]. Give us the faith to be your hands of healing for each other. Lord, . . .

(You may add other praises or petitions here....)

Our prayers ascend to you like incense, God of Multivalent Mercy, knowing that your mercy will descend upon us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the one with whom you are well pleased.

Offertory Prayer

Looking to your colorful bow, we offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving, grateful for your covenant of compassion that saves us from sin and Satan, thanks be to Christ.


Leader: God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, lead you in the cruciform shadow.
People: May we increase in holy commitment with hearts full of repentance and trust in Christ's victory over Satan. The kingdom is indeed ours forever.
