Prayers for Worship
Pentecost 10
August 9, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: O taste and see that the LORD is good;
People: happy are those who take refuge in him.
Leader: We eat the Bread of Life;
People: we feast upon the love of the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


You have marked us with a seal for the day of redemption, and you give us an appetizer of the feast to come. Through the Holy Spirit, sanctify our worship service, that it may nourish our souls and celebrate you. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


We turn to you, LORD, our hearts kneeling, starving for mercy. We get weak and discouraged and are prepared to give up, doubting that you will help us. We allow our anger to lead us to sin. We shove you into the closet and give Satan the penthouse. We permit evil talk to bubble out of our mouths and think we’re speaking wisdom. We grieve the Holy Spirit and refuse to imitate you. We put on display our bitterness and malice. We starve by stuffing ourselves with lies and refusing to feast on you.

For the sake of the Manna of manna, forgive us. Rescue us from spiritual anorexia.

Words of Assurance

Just as God strengthened Elijah, so God strengthens us with forgiveness through the Bread of Life. The Lord forgives you every single one of your sins, no matter how severe you think they are. Because, by the Spirit’s power, we believe in Christ, we have eternal life. Alleluia!

Prayers of Inspiration

Mother Hen-Spirit, feed us the Word, that we may feed the world.

Prayers of the People

Lord of All Sustenance, we thank you for the Church, future, past, and present. We exalt you for holy communion. We lift up special gratitude for deacons such as Lawrence, societal renewers such as Florence Nightingale, and martyrs such as Maximilian Kolbe. Help us to learn from these leaders how to serve you better. God of Blessing, (congregational response: encamp around us.).

Mother of All, we offer tender praise for Mary. May she always be a teacher, prophet, and inspiration to us. God of Blessing, . . .

Nourishing Sovereign, watch over the United States, Japan, and all nations, including each leader. We remember the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the resolve never to allow such atrocities to occur again. God of Blessing, . . .

Nutritious Adonai, you have filled us with healing in many and various ways. Feed healing to those in need now, including all we mention at this time in our hearts of aloud. [Add names.] Make us your nurses. God of Blessing, . . .

Patient Lord, you are slow to anger with us. Give us the courage to be slow to anger with each other. God of Blessing, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

These prayers and all others we present as an offering, full of gratitude for your answers to them. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

Accept these gifts for your glory and for the feeding of the world.


Leader: The Bread of Life is in us.
People: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit support and sustain us.
Leader: We leave today to help the world,
People: to lead people to taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
