Prayers for Worship
Pentecost 15
September 13, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: We confess that Jesus is the Messiah,
People: and we know that being the Messiah means taking up the cross.
Leader: We know that following the Messiah means that we must take up the cross, too.
People: We take up the cross in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Rallying, Teaching Spirit, instruct us through this worship toward greater glorification of the Messiah, especially through serving one another with careful words and actions. In the Messiah’s name we pray. So be it.


LORD, you are gracious and righteous; you are full of compassion, O God. We are sick with sin. Our tongues spark infernos of insult, gossip, and slander. We fail to watch what we say. We pray sweetly in church and then cuss in the parking lot. We fail to teach one another about you. We obsess over self-help and ignore selfless helping of others for your glory. We make excuses not to take up the cross, or we mistakenly think that any suffering is taking up the cross. We often act ashamed of you, embarrassed by you.

For the sake of the Rabbi-Christ, forgive us. Rescue us from death. Please.

Words of Assurance

The Christ vindicates us. He forgives us every single one of our sins, no matter how unforgiveable we think they are. He has rescued our lives from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from stumbling. We take up the cross in joyful response. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Spirit of God, teach our tongues to proclaim the Word.

Prayers of the People

You have directed the Church, the baptized, throughout the millennia. Thank you. We are especially grateful today for bishops such as Cyprian, spiritual geniuses such as Hildegard of Bingen, and reformers such as Dag Hammarskjold. Teach us through these leaders what it means to have a cruciform life. Lord of Good Friday, (congregational response: lead us.).

You have blessed us with two millennia of moving, edifying, wife, and artful preaching. We thank you for outstanding preachers such as John Chrysostom. Bless preachers of all varieties, that their tongues may serve you. Lord of Good Friday, . . .

We exalt you for Sunday school programs. We cannot express adequate gratitude for our Sunday school teachers and other leaders who make Sunday school possible. Give us all the wisdom always to teach and learn. Lord of Good Friday, . . .

The cross, God Almighty, is astonishing, beautiful, challenging, comforting, radical. Teach us to carry it, not to earn salvation or to wallow in selfish martyrdom, but as part of honoring you and helping the needy. Lord of Good Friday, . . .

We praise you for the United States and for humanity’s gorgeous variety. Humble us toward peace. Lord of Good Friday, . . .

We find amazing how you heal us. Care for those in need of healing now, including [Add names]. Lord of Good Friday, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

God Almighty, we elevate these prayers to you, trusting in your omni-loving attention. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

This offering is part of our taking up the cross so that the world may grow in your love.


Leader: The LORD God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has helped us; therefore we have not been disgraced.
People: Therefore, we set our faces like flint.
Leader: We are eager to lose our lives,
People: for Christ’s sake and for the sake of the gospel.
