Prayers for Worship
June 7, 2009

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: The Father has created us and gives us this day our daily bread.
People: We praise the Trinity. Alleluia!
Leader: The Son has delivered us from the Evil One.
People: We praise the Trinity. Alleluia!
Leader: The Holy Spirit has given us the power and faith to pray as Christ has taught us.
People: We praise the Holy Trinity. Alleluia!
Leader: In the Trinity's strong name we worship at this hour.
People: Alleluia; Alleluia. Alleluia!

Prayer of Invocation

Three-in-One, One-in-Three, drive us to worship you in the beauty of holiness. So be it.

Prayer of Confession

Leader: Woe is us! We are lost, for we are a people of unclean lips. Our eyes have beheld your grace, and we know and feel that we are undeserving. We live according to the flesh. We are stubborn against your teachings. We bicker over differences instead of celebrating similarities. We forget that you love, not just us, but the world entire. By the Rabbi's blood, forgive us. Renew us through the Spirit, that we may serve you better.
People: Amen. Amen. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Now that the sacrificed Lamb has touched us with his mercy, guilt has departed, and our sin is blotted out. God so loved us that we have eternal life. We shall not perish. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Here we are, Spirit. Inspire us with the Word to the glory of God.

Prayers of the People

Spirit, we exalt you for the Church with extra gratitude for the Cappadocians, Barnabas, the Venerable Bede, and other extraordinary church leaders. Teach us to be like them and to be born from above every day. We pray (congregational response: by the Trinity's omni-loving name.).

Father, you have blessed our nation over and over. You have created humanity and the rest of nature with astonishing, beautiful complexity and simplicity. Fill us with the wisdom to take care of each other and the rest of nature according to your parental tenderness. We pray . . .

Jesus our Sibling, we thank you for good family and good friends. Help us to care for each other. Guide us to make peace with our enemies and to lead outsiders to your love. We pray . . .

Jesus the Healer, you nurse us every day. Bring healing to those with special needs, including those we mention at this time in our hearts or aloud [Add names]. We pray . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

All these prayers we entrust to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, confident that you hear and speak back with a wise voice exceeding our own. Alleluia. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

We present these gifts as part of ascribing to you the glory due your name.


Leader: The Spirit leads you,
People: the Father feeds you,
Leader: the Son redeems you.
People: The Trinity's love charges us to love the world as God has.
Leader: Alleluia.
People: Alleluia.
All: Alleuia!
