Poem/Prayer for Worship

Poem/Prayer for Worship by Thom Shuman
i don't have time . . . bone-weary from errands, i don't have time to listen: to my children singing in the tub, to my spouse quietly fixing dinner, to that angel whispering for attention; exhausted from my latest expedition to the mall, i don't have time to wait: to find hope sitting in my mailbox, to see you walking with me in the snow, for you to fill my emptiness; spending the whole weekend getting the house decorated, i don't have time to greet my neighbor with a smile not a mumble, to scrape the ice off my heart, to be rocked gently in the cradle of your love. but here i am, Lord, hoping you have time for me . . . (c) 2005 Thom M. Shuman

(Comments to Thom at tmshuman@fuse.net.)

Greenhills Community Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio