Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord by Frank Fisher
Acts 1:1-11 and Luke 24:44-53 To Luke, the physician; the chronicler of the Great Physician. Greetings and many blessings to you, my brother in the faith. Tell all my sisters and brothers that I, Peter, also send them greetings in the name of Jesus the Christ. You can't imagine my delight at hearing from you Luke. Not only have I not heard from you for a very long time. But truthfully, while the rest of Rome may be interesting, there really isn't too much to do here in my jail cell. Of course I remember your patron Theophilus. I know he's always looking for more details of our Lord's story. So I'll be delighted to tell both of you more about the day when Jesus was taken up to heaven. All of us were gathered in Jerusalem on that incredible day. We'd just finished hearing how Jesus had appeared to two of our companions, while they traveled on the road to Emmaus. Every one of us were still burning at the wonder and joy that Jesus was alive again. And how could our joy not be multiplied many fold by hearing about his continued presence. I remember I'd just opened his mouth to tell how Jesus had appeared to me. Then suddenly he was there! He was right there standing in the middle of the room. Of course we were all frightened. If you see a human figure pop up out of now where, its pretty understandable to think you're seeing a ghost. And when the ghost begins to talk to you, saying things like, "peace be with you," its time to run away. So anyway, I was leading the retreat to the door when the "ghost" spoke again. "Why are you frightened," it asked? "And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at the wounds on my hands and on my feet; see that it is I myself! Touch me and see; for a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones as you see I have." A feeling of awe and wonder overcame us then Luke. For we could see it was Jesus who stood in our midst. He must have seen that we couldn't quite believe what our eyes were telling us, for he asked us for something to eat. Then he sat down and joined us for lunch. While we were eating he began to teach us; just as he did on all those days in Galilee. He told us why he had to suffer and die. And he showed us where scripture had predicted all that had happened. Most importantly he told us how we would be sent out in his name and how the Creator would send us, something, to aid us in our task. Then, Jesus said, "its time. Come with me." That, made us nervous. For the last time Jesus had said something like that, he meant it was time for him to die. But this time he didn't seem at all upset. In fact, it was if he was glowing with confidence. So off Jesus went with us trailing along just as before. Naturally my mouth started giving me trouble; just as it always had countless times before. But Luke the day was so beautiful and being with Jesus again was so fantastic, that I was sure the time had come when Jesus would finally take charge of God's people. "Lord," I asked, is this the time when you'll restore the kingdom to Israel?" "That's not for you to know," Jesus answered. "But you will receive the power to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Just as Jesus had finished speaking, I noticed his glow I'd called confidence was getting brighter and brighter until he beamed just the way he did when he'd been on the mountain top with Moses and Elijah. Then all of a sudden he began to rise up from the earth. He just kept going higher and higher until he was gone from our sight. For awhile all of us just stood there, craning our necks to get another glimpse of him. We stood there looking up for what seemed like hours. Then, we heard a noise. It sounded like the polite cough some people use to catch your attention. I looked toward the sound and saw two people dressed in white. They were smiling and looking like they found our sky watch kind of funny. Well after they had all of our attention, one of them said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand there looking up toward heaven? This Jesus who's been taken up into heaven will come to you once again; just the way you saw him go." The two people just vanished after that Luke. And we all trouped back to Jerusalem to tell the rest of the disciples all that had happened. You know the rest of the story; how the Spirit came upon us and how we did indeed tell the world about the wonder of what our Lord had done. But I never have forgotten that last look of love on our Lord's face. And I know I'll see it again very soon. "What did that day mean?" That's a good question you ask Luke. And the answer is many things. At least that's what I think. It showed us, and the world, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was indeed the Holy One's only begotten Child. It meant Jesus wasn't tied just to those years in Galilee; And when we tell others the story Jesus becomes real to them; even if they never saw Jesus they know our Lord is with them. But most importantly Luke, I think that one day underlined the fact that Jesus is Lord; Lord of heaven; Lord of earth; Lord of all that was, is and will be; Lord of my life. And if Jesus is Lord of my life, then above all else, I must go where Jesus calls me to go; serve where Jesus bids me serve, and love all those whom Jesus bids me love. I hear the soldiers coming Luke. The hour of my own crucifixion is at hand. I don't look forward to these next few hours. But I know after them, I will see my Lord once again, face to face. Greet my sisters and brothers with a kiss of peace my friend. Don't mourn for me. For even at the grave we cry out with joy! Jesus is Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! To God alone be glory. Amen.

(Comments to Frank at Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church Fairbury, Illinois