To Whom Can We Go?

To Whom Can We Go? by Frank Fisher, Obl. OSB
Today, you're going to enter the hush of your quiet place and meet Jesus in your imagination. Make yourself comfortable in your seat. Close your eyes and relax. You'll be breathing deeply, and relaxing your whole body. <> Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. <> Relax your feet and ankles. Keep breathing in deeply, hold it, and breathe out slowly. Let your hips relax, and then your stomach muscles and your chest. Allow your shoulders to become heavy. Let all your tension simply drain away Let your arms and fingers become limp. Let your neck sag, and relax your face, your forehead, and even your eye lids. Keep breathing in and out deeply and slowly. <> In your mind you see yourself in a fishing boat crossing the sea of Galilee. Its's a wonderful day. The warm sun is beating down on your head. Puffy white clouds float above you in a beautiful blue sky. Every few seconds waves pass under your boat and gently lift it into the air. Yes, the day is perfect. But while you enjoy the beauty surrounding you your attention is focused on the lakeshore. You're nearing the shore now. You hear the grinding of the keel against the sand as the fishermen pull the boat up onto the beach. All around you you see many other boats being pulled onto the shore. Everyone on the boats is jumping onto the beach, and you jump over the rail to join them. As your feet touch the beach, and begin to follow the crowd, you feel the wet sand sliding over your feet. You hear those at the front of the crowd shouting excitedly. You see them point toward the town of Capernaum that lies just ahead of you. "He's there in the synagogue," you hear someone shout. Your heart starts beating faster as you join the crowd in racing toward the synagogue. Your excitement grows as you slow and you pass through the synagogue's door. There's a man just ahead of you. Several people are sitting at his feet. At last you've found the man you were seeking. Its Jesus! You join the crowd as you all sit in front of Jesus. Somehow you've found yourself in the very front and you're sitting directly at Jesus' feet. You look up and you find him staring straight into your eyes. "Did you just come here to get more bread?" Jesus asks you. "Don't work for the bread that perishes. Work instead for the bread I give you, the bread that will endure to eternal life." Jesus is obviously waiting for you to respond. And you open your mouth and stammer, "tell me more about this bread, Lord. How do I find it?" "You have found it," Jesus answers. "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood dwell in me, and I in them. The Creator sent me. I live because of the Creator. In the same way who ever eats the bread of my body will live because of me! I am the bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread you will live forever." You struggle to completely understand what Jesus has told you. "This is hard," you say to him. "Help me to understand." "Look at it this way," Jesus replies "What is at the very center of your life? What are the things you live for?" You continue to stare into Jesus' face. His eyes are warm, and you can feel his love and concern for you. Concentrate on the look in Jesus' eyes as you answer his questions. Tell Jesus about the things you live for; the things most important to you; the things at the very center of your life. <> Jesus listens intently as you speak. When you've finished he asks you more questions. "Are the things at the center of your life, life giving? Do they enrich you or hurt you?" You again sink into the love radiating out from Jesus and look into his eyes as you answer him. <> As he continues to gaze intently at you, Jesus asks you one final question. "Do you choose to go to these other things in your life or do you choose to go to me?" Look in Jesus' face as you answer his question. <> As you continue to look at Jesus you hear someone else in the crowd answer aloud. "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.: You know your time with Jesus will soon end. Take this chance to look deeply on Jesus' face as you tell him of anything else you want him to hear. <> Jesus places his hand on your head and offers you a blessing. Then he turns, and you see him walking out of the synagogue. <> Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. Breathe in slowly, and hold it. Breathe out slowly. When you are ready, you may open your eyes. <> If you were able to imagine an encounter with Jesus today, I invite you to believe the encounter was very real. And I ask you to remember your conversation with him. Remember your words to him about the things most important in your life. Remember your choice of the One to whom we can go. To God alone be glory. Amen.

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