Sermon Thoughts
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B
May 13, 2012
Sermon Thoughts
by David von Schlichten

Mother's Day; Ecofeminism; Gay Marriage

Mother's Day: We tend to sentimentalize maternal love on that day, and maybe a little sentimentality isn't bad. At the same time, it is wise for us preachers to acknowledge that motherhood is far from ideal. However, God's love is ideal and always supports us, even when mothers (or any other human) fail us. God also supports the mothers themselves. Moreover, God offers loving care for women who want to be mothers but cannot.

We could even preach about God as Mother. God gives birth to us, teaches us, protects us, breastfeeds us.

Acts 10: Peter is surprised to see that the Gentiles have received the Holy Spirit. The Gentiles, like the Ethiopian eunuch of last week, are outsiders, yet the Holy Spirit comes anyway. What other outsiders does the Holy Spirit come to? How about members of the LGBT community, including those who are married? You bet the Holy Spirit comes to them.

Psalm 98: Even nature is to praise God. Why? Because salvation is for ALL creation, not just humanity. Everyone is included. So then, if God cares for non-human nature, then we should, as well.

John 15: We humans tend to love hierarchies, loving ranking people, yet Jesus softens a hierarchy by calling us, the disciples, not "servants," but "friends." Indeed, the vine image also softens hierarchy. Of course, the Father and Jesus are "higher" (vine grower and vine), but all Christians are branches (equally). And again, Jesus softens the hierarchy between God and humanity by calling us friends.

ECOFEMINISM: We revere mothers but still often treat women as inferior to men. We revere Mother Nature but still often exploit and desecrate her through drilling, fracking, mountaintop removal mining, and more. Jesus calls us to love one another, and loving one another demands, not this inconsistent reverence, but consistently treating mothers and nature--indeed, all--with true, durable, consequential love.


St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Youngstown, PA