January 25 – Third Sunday after Epiphany


Lectionary readings from Vanderbilt Divinity Library online (http://divinity.library.vanderbilt.edu/lectionary/BEpiphany/index.htm)

Jonah 3:1–5, 10

Jonah calls Ninevah to repent.

Psalm 62:5–12 (VU pgs. 779–780)

Be still, my soul, and wait for God.

1 Corinthians 7:29–31

The time is short for the present form of the world.

Mark 1:14–20

Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John.


Following the gospel, the worship leader, or a person dressed in first century clothing, calls out to members of the congregation, “I call you, (name).” “I call you, (name).” Those called, especially if pre-arranged, could stand and respond, “Here I am.” This could be followed by the singing of “I, the Lord of sea and sky.” (VU 509)

With Children

Pick out a number of situations such as going tobogganing in the winter, going to visit a grandparent, washing the family dog, etc. Then ask the children how they get ready or prepare for these different activities. What happens when we don’t prepare or get ready? Does God ever prepare us for something? How do we prepare to listen for God and to notice God in our world?

Rest in God Alone

(Based on Psalm 62 – gesture to each body part as it is mentioned; use the sign for the word “soul” in sign language—see www.aslpro.com.)

Be still, my soul. Let me have the courage to respond to God’s calling. Let me show my faith in God who is my rock and my salvation.

My soul finds rest in God alone.

Be still, my heart. Let God’s love fill my heart. Let me love God above all else. Let me share the warmth of God’s love with my family and my neighbour.

My heart finds rest in God alone.

Be still, my mind. Let my every thought return to God. Let me trust in God’s power and compassion.

My mind finds rest in God alone.

Be still, my eye. Let me see God’s glorious creations. Let me read the tributes to God’s goodness and majesty.

My eye rests in God alone.

Be still, my ear. Let me listen to the music of God’s creation. Let me hear praises to God’s holy name. Let me hear with compassion the cries for help among the suffering.

My ear finds rest in God alone.

Be still, my tongue. Let me praise God faithfully and sincerely. Let me speak only goodness. Let me tell of the hope in God’s message.

My tongue finds rest in God alone.

Be still, my arm. Let me have the strength to serve God well and faithfully. Let me do good in God’s name and honour.

My arm finds rest in God alone.

-James Traquair

Sermon Starter

All of the readings present us with the concept of readiness to accept a task or a call and how we prepare (or don’t prepare) ourselves to do that. They also point us to the difference between reacting and responding. Reactions are often unhelpful and may end up costing us. Responses are more thoughtful and usually longer lasting. Try telling the Jonah story first from the perspective of one who reacted (Jonah) and then from the perspective of one who might have responded. See how they are different and invite people to view their own lives in the same manner.


Hebrew Scriptures

VU 356 “Seek ye first”

VU 568 “Dear Lord, lead me day by day”

VU 572 “Send me, Lord”

MV 53 “God who spread the boundless prairie”

MV 62 “There is room for all” (also in French)


VU 374 “Come and find the quiet centre”

VU 652 “Be still, my soul”

MV 77 “Be still and know”


VU 713 “I see a new heaven”

MV 169 “When hands reach out”


VU 562 “Jesus calls us”

VU 563 “Jesus, you have come to the lakeshore”

MV 113 “Jesus saw them fishing” (suitable for children)