Prayers for Worship
Proper 16
August 26, 2012

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: We and our households,
People: we serve the LORD, the Triune God.
Leader: Lord, to whom can we go?
People: You have the words of eternal life.


Shepherd who is the Life-Bread, we are in awe of the wonderful food you give us. Continue to strengthen us, that we may never turn away from you, even when your teachings are tough. Teach us to wear the sacred armor of your peace. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Repeatedly we sin against you, God. We say we are going to serve you, but we are more talk than action. You offer us the armor, but we don’t put it on, thinking we can do fine without it. We are inconsistent in praying. You offer us Christ’s flesh and blood to eat and drink, but we pass by it, preferring gimmick-religion junk food instead. When your teachings demand more of us, we are quick to wilt.

For the sake of the Bread of Life, forgive us. Replenish us. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Alleluia, the LORD redeems the life of us, the servants. Because of Christ’s pierced flesh and shed blood, God forgives your sins, all of them. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Spirit, through the sermon, clothe us in holy armor and feed us the Bread.

Prayers of the People

Wisdom-God, we thank you for education. Bless all of us returning to school—students, staff, and faculty. Continue to energize us to learn for your glory. Lord, (congregational response: you have the words of eternal life.).

We exalt you, Elohim, for the Church, especially brilliant leaders such as St. Augustine. Humble us to feed a hungry world. Lord, . . .

Mama Yahweh, flaming arrows constantly fly at us. We praise you for the armor you have given us for protection. Lord, . . .

Our nation is full of miracles, and humanity is endlessly wonderful, thanks to you. Bless the United States and all people, that we may overcome evil with good, including by working together to end hunger. Lord, . . .

Mother, you are the Healer. Touch all in need of healing, including everyone we mention now. [Add names]. Fill us with the resolve to assist with the healing. Lord, . . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

We praise you for hearing our prayers. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

May our gifts honor you.


Leader: God,
People: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Leader: feeds and clothes you
People: so that we can overcome evil with good all throughout the week. Yes.
