Prayers for Worship
Trinity Sunday
June 3, 2012

Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten

Call to Worship

Leader: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
People: the whole earth is full of God’s glory.
Leader: Mother of All, Three-in-One, Father, Son, and Spirit, you create, save, and sanctify us.
People: Glory!
Leader: You are in community with yourself and us. You teach us to be in community with you, each other, and the self.
People: Here we are; send us. Yes.


God, by the Spirit, humble and embolden us to believe in Christ, to love as the Trinity has loved. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Leader: Triune Elohim, we sin. You summon us to be born anew every day, yet we often choose death. We study you in the dark, afraid to proclaim you in the light. We tend to serve the flesh, not the Spirit, and when we try not to serve the flesh, we often shame the body, missing the point.

People: Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a person of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen you, Three-One, the LORD of hosts!

Leader: Forgive us by Christ. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Alleluia, now that Messiah has touched you, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted out. Alleluia!

Prayer of Inspiration

Ruach, through the Word, lead us to rebirth, to the light of God.

Prayers of the People

That we may live out the Oneness that you have fashioned us to be, we pray (Congregational response: hear us, Triune Yahweh.).

To show gratitude for the Church, including inspired leaders such as Columba, Aidan, and Bede, we pray . . . .

Full of reverence for Native American leaders such as Seattle, we pray . . .

That you may bless the vacation season with sabbath-renewal, we pray . . .

That our graduates may savor their accomplishments and feast on your goodness in the future, we pray . . .

That you may heal all those in need [Add names], and that you may grant us the courage and creativity to help with the healing, we pray. . .

(You may add other praises and petitions here...)

In your hand, you hold our prayers. We thank you for using them according to your will. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer

May our gifts spread your love.


Leader: God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
People: the Trinity,
Leader: lead us to be like the Three-yet-One.
People: Here we are, God; send us. Yes!
