God's Call To Intimacy: Liturgy
God's Call To Intimacy: Liturgy
by Jack Vanderplate

Opening sentences (based on 1 Kings 8 and Psalm 84)

At our Lord's invitation, we have come.
We join hearts and hands together as sisters and brothers in this sanctuary to meet with God.
There is no God like our God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who seek him.
The highest heavens cannot contain you, O Lord. You fill this house and this fellowship with love to spare.
May we, like the sparrow at home and the swallow nested near your altar, forever praise you.
How good is even one day with you, O Lord God! You are the sun that warms us, and the shade that protects us. How blessed we are as we trust in you!

(based on Ephesians 6)

Stand firm in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Repay the evil of the enemy with good from the kingdom.
Welcome the one who stands outside into the household.
Speak truth in love and strive to live at peace.
Live life to the full by the faith that hopes all things and believes that all things are possible with God.
Pray for each other, and hold each other up in care and love.

(based on the gospel passage)

Go, fed and nourished by the body and blood that is meat and drink indeed;
Love deeply, as God has loved you;
Walk in grace, following the footsteps of our brother Jesus;
Live fully in each moment, as the life-giving Spirit of our Lord leads and guides you.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

(from www.goodpreacher.com/blog/)