Advent 1

Prayers for Worship Advent 2 by Ron Gordon
Mark 1:1-8
Holy God, you chose to make known your name and your will through holy women and men who listened for your word, and staked their lives on your promises. We rejoice in their faithfulness. You chose to call Israel to repentance through John in the wilderness and so to prepare the way, and to point to Jesus as the coming one. Blessed indeed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! Amen..
Father we rejoice in all your gifts to us: our very lives come from you, and in all the ways you sustain and bless us on our way. We thank you that we are not alone in our search for you, but that you have given and inspired men and women who have lead us in your ways. We thank you especially for the good news proclaimed by John in the wilderness, and ask that we may hear your eternal call to change direction and to return to you for the forgiveness of our sin. We are grateful for the good news which comes through Jesus and offers us a life lived in friendship with you and all your people on earth and in heaven. We must confess and seek forgiveness: On lives lived in guilt and shame when we are called to be liberated and set free as your loved and loving children: Lord, have mercy. When we hear the word of the Gospel and our hearts remain stubborn and cold to your pleas for acceptance and forgiveness, and when we hold grudges and fail to forgive others: Christ, have mercy. When we have soured the good news by our lack of joy and humour, and turned people away by a failure to show the wideness of your mercy to us and others: Lord, have mercy. We bless you, Father for the good news coming to us in Jesus: for his acceptance of people as they are, and the offering of new life and new possibilities. For his suffering love which has freed us all and brought us to the kingdom of your grace we can only express our love. Blessed are you Holy Trinity for ever and ever. Amen.
wilderness of longing by Jenn Gordon
Mark 1: 1-8 beginning before it begins finger pointing past the present forerunner through the wilderness of longing for the one who is to come no neat narrative or starry story just a hairy honeyed prophet tied with tradition waiting, anticipating the coming of God's glory veracious voice in the cacophony of humanity grace that goes before straightens the path opens the door and turns us right way round so we can sense the sound of God's eternal plea; "come back to me" © Jennie Gordon 2008 (Comments to Jenn at