Advent 3

Prayers for Worship Advent 3 by Ron Gordon
John 1:6-8; 19-28
Eternal God, by whose Word all things come into being, are held in existence, and finally pass away: give us the grace to hear and heed your messengers, time in which to repent, and faith and hope in which to live in joy as your children who delight in your will, for you reign as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen.
Praise belongs to you, Lord God, from all creatures for you are the maker of all things, you hold all things in being and you are constantly bringing new worlds to birth. Praise belongs to you, Father, from all your people, for you have met us in the words of the Prophets, in the songs of the Psalmists and in the meditations of the Wise; finally you have met us on our own level in Jesus Christ your beloved Son, our brother who when we were lost and straying sought us out to bring us to yourself for forgiveness and healing at great cost and suffering to himself. Holy and Blessed God, we adore you. We thank you for all men and women, who like John the Baptist place their integrity above reward and who speak your message in a wicked and perverse generation. For all who point beyond themselves to the one who is mightier than themselves, even the coming one, Jesus of Nazareth. May we have grace to respect them and the message they bear even though we may find their words uncomfortable and judgemental. On our pride and arrogance which thinks it knows it all and refuses to listen to new possibilities open to us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Lord, have mercy. On our willingness to judge others, and our unwillingness to forgive them even as you have forgiveness us: Christ, have mercy. Forgive us closed eyes, ears and hearts which fail to recognize the direction in which we are heading: help us to be open to your Spirit, the words and challenge of Jesus, and to know your eternal love: Lord, have mercy. You Lord, are always offering us new opportunities, greater possibilities and ways in which we may live and grow as your children. Help us grasp and hold and share what you have given us in Jesus our Lord, and to your name, Glorious God, be all glory for ever and ever. Amen
one among you by Jenn Gordon
there is one among you, whom you do not know all your longings will be met but still, you do not know him yet all the years of tears and aching hoping, sleeping, dreaming, waking have brought you to this place but you don’t recognise his face one among you speaks your name walks the road by which you came knows the fear you try to hide sees the light you lock inside and his presence will be known when his love is fully shown © Jennie Gordon 2008 (Comments to Jenn at