Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Proper 8 by Ron Gordon

Mark 5: 21-43


Lord Jesus, you come into the midst of human need, suffering and death and listen to our requests. You encourage faith and banish fear. You bring healing, life and peace. You are our Saviour forever: holy is your name. Amen.

Holy God, the rock to which men and women have clung in all the tempests of life: you have heard their cries and come to their aid. You have been our safe dwelling in all generations. Blessed is your name forever. Holy Jesus, you are one with God in power and patience, listening to your people and speaking the word which makes us whole. When human skill fails, you are still present, holding us that we may hold to you: leading into life which death in all its powers cannot weaken or destroy. Blessed is your name forever. Holy Spirit, you help us hear and know the word of Jesus and his saving power: you open imagination to the deeds and words of Jesus and to apply them to our own living and needing. Speak with us, that our faith may be strengthened to hold to God in all the events of our lives. Blessed is your name forever. Father, we confess that our lives are filled with so much wanting that our need for you receives little attention and we edge you out of our world. On our failure and forgetfulness: Lord, have mercy. Jesus, we confess that our faith falters and our hold on you does not tighten in times of need when we might receive firm assurance. On our faithlessness: Christ, have mercy. Spirit of God, we confess that our inner being is often shut to your promptings, and we fail to heed your warnings and blessings. On our protection against divine intervention: Lord, have mercy. Your word of pardon breaks into our consciousness and accepts our repentance. Holy and blessed is God forever: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
restored by Jenn Gordon
Mark 5: 21-43 Of course I knew what I was reaching through barricades of fear constructed year upon year to keep me away, to keep me at bay and yet I was already spent too long alone, unclean, unclaimed, unnamed that’s why I went I knew I risked the razor-wire of reproach how do you dare approach this holy man and breech the borders of death and order with your unclean hand, to steal a healing but I believed he could make me well and as his power poured through every cell and my life-force was contained my ears received a name he called me ‘daughter’ (Comments to Jenn at