Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Proper 15 by Ron Gordon

John 6: 51-58


Our Father in heaven, you give us the true bread of heaven in Jesus to bring us to eternal life. Grant that we may be so nourished in him as to know him as part of our thinking, acting and sharing with others. We ask in his name. Amen.

Eternal God, we worship you as the one who gave Jesus to be your personal representative in this world, to speak your Word; he lived before men and women your all embracing love in sharing with us and in dying for all. We acknowledge all he has given us: in his life and death on the cross, and his rising again, he has opened fellowship with you and one another. We confess, Father, that we have not paid full attention to the offer of life in Jesus, which for us was bought with a price: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, true Word from the Father, we hail you as the true bread of life given for the nourishment of the world. You offered yourself to your people who did not accept or understand your free offer, but sought other explanations for the symbols you used. We confess, Lord, that we have sought nourishment on bread that does not satisfy and have wasted our resources on that which is not food. Help us focus again on you as true nourishment to eternal life: Christ, have mercy. Holy Spirit, the inspirer and enlightener of God’s people, we confess that the words and deeds of Jesus have been forgotten or ignored and our world is full of hungry people who lack their daily bread and the message of Christ. We have failed to express solidarity with them and have failed to aid them. Inspire us again with Christ’s vision of grace abounding for all, that our lives and resources may be shared, in his name: Lord, have mercy. Blessed and glorious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be enthroned again on the praise of your people, and in our daily living as your loving children through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
this thin communion by Jenn Gordon
John 6:51-61 here I stand, bread in hand as if I had never been here before as if I had never been fed before as if I had always been dead before and the glorious rose window throws a light all consummate nothing is, before or after what I hear is heaven’s laughter how can I take and taste you and not give myself completely longing to run for cover like a frightened first-time lover in this abiding feast I find my life and lose it all at once here I stand bread in hand bound in this thin communion (Comments to Jenn at