Pentecost 9

Prayers for Worship Pentecost 15 by Ron Gordon
Luke 14: 25-33
Eternal source of all wisdom, you give us Jesus as your word made flesh and he speaks to us in ways which we sometimes find hard to understand. May your Spirit enlighten and enliven our minds to grasp the truth he offers. In our journey with him may we be free to follow, and free to love as widely as he loves, and free to face the costliness of discipleship: we ask in his name. Amen.
Good God, the beginning and end of our existence, you know us through and through, and yet you make us the object of your love and give us knowledge of that love through the life, death and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ our Lord who offers us liberation into the new world of your grace. Blessed is God forever! Lord Jesus, your words are words of sober realism. You tell us that life can be free and full of joy, just as it may contain the struggle of everyday faithfulness when demands face us and when serious choices must be made. We aimlessly wander through life with an abundance of possessions which threaten to possess us. We cannot deny that the security of family at times threatens to overwhelm and imprison us. Lead us to your cross where we encounter the reality of the love which judges and saves us. Spirit of God, you give us the insight to know Jesus and to follow his way. May we listen carefully to what he says, watch what he does, and seek your guidance that we do not hurt others, but seek to take them with us where you lead. We rejoice that you are continually leading the church of Jesus in his way and assuring us that God’s purpose will reach fulfillment. When we lose sight of the vision Jesus gives us of a gracious God, and become ungracious ourselves: Lord, have mercy. When we do not give priority to the words of Jesus which encourage and warn us: Christ have mercy. When our minds are confused and we look for easy ways to resolve the tensions we face, give us the sober realism which counts the cost, and the grace to respond to you: Lord, have mercy. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins. May we hear Christ say: Your sins are forgiven. Thanks be to God. © 2010 by Ron Gordon (Used with permission)
give up by Jenn Gordon
Luke 14:25-33 my arms embrace a lifetime collection of necessary nothings but each thing connects and recollects the other recounting who I am as daughter sister, friend and wife and mother while each day adds another vital verse to the anthology of completed works - by me that no one else will ever read, while I persist denying or defying dying maybe and then there’s all that substance I’ve hoarded for tomorrow the ‘one day’ that I know will come it fills my head, my dreams, my home what would it mean to loose the hold let go, put down, give up and walk with empty arms save for the cross of life-affirming death that has been ours since first baptismal breath © Jennie Gordon 2010 (Used with permission) (Comments to Jenn at