Good Friday

Because of This Cross

by Dave Pecot

As Jesus cried out from the cross "it is finished", we need to remember that he was not talking about His own life that was finished. He was not talking about his mission that was finished. We need to understand what Jesus was saying to us from the cross. The Greek word for "it is finished" is "tetelastai". An archeologist in the Holy Land recently uncovered two stacks of receipts which were found in a tax office from first century. On one stack of tax receipts was stamped the word "telelastai", in other words, "paid in full". Jesus cried out "tetelastai", that is, paid in full, no more has to be done.

Now years later, Ed still recounts the hundreds of thoughts which went through his head during that rescue. Each Easter he thinks about it again. Not because the season reminds him of her but because he has learned that the cross means so much more to him because of that incident.

Ed will tell you he knew that he could lose his own life leaving behind a wife and a young family. He will also tell you there was just no other way. He now understands why God sent Jesus to die on the cross. God's plan for us as a people was to enjoy paradise, as he says in the book of Jeremiah, "Know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare, not of woe." We as a people sinned and lost paradise, we as a people didn't trust God and wandered in the desert for 40 years. We didn't listen to the prophets, we continually turned away until the only way that God could save us was to send Jesus so that we might be reconciled with him. Plan A failed, plan B failed, until plan J was put into place. It did not fail.

Ed will tell you he thinks about the father who had turned back. How could a man turn back from his own child even at the cost of his own life? Ed will tell you that "because of this cross" we know that God will never abandon us even if we fail those we love.

Ed will tell you that there were many moments when he knew he was losing his strength. He also knew that both of them were getting so far offshore that he was concerned that they could not make it safely back to shore even if he did reach her. Ed will also tell you that even when we feel we can not carry on because of pain, heartache, loneliness, we will always be strengthened "because of this cross".

Ed will tell you, that he thought of the girl as she was carried out to sea. He wondered about her thoughts of helplessness and her inability to change the course of events. Ed will also tell you that "because of this cross" we have a way out of the things that we can not control - the loss of a child, the spouse who walks away from the marriage, the cancer that invades our bodies, the addictions to sex, drugs, alcohol, the rebellious child.

Ed will tell you he thought of her reaction when she did realize she was safe. Her tears when she embraced her family. He wonders if she ever thinks of him even today all these years later. He wonders if her life was lived well. Ed will also tell you that "because of this cross", we are always safe and our lives are worth saving and that in God's eyes our lives will always be worth saving. So he knows no matter what, that her life was worth saving because God died to save it.

Ed will tell you he appreciated his own family so much more after that because he realized how quickly things in our lives can change. He will also tell you that "because of this cross" that things have not changed in our relationship with God. His love for us is the same today, as it was on when he mounted this cross almost 2000 years ago. And even when our lives are not lived in a way that reflects our love of God it does not change how much He loves us

Ed will tell you that he knew the presence of God was with him as he swam and that he still feels the presence of God today. He will also tell you that "because of this cross" we know that it is God's desire that we feel the presence of His immense love for us and His desire that we know His forgiveness.

We need to understand that because of this cross the debt has been paid - our response to this should be like Ed's to reflect on the meaning of the cross for us.