November 22, 2009

Q. 555: Are today’s readings compatible? Jesus in chains, and Daniel’s “Son of man” in heavenly glory?

A. 555:
How do you describe the indescribable? “One like a Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven” to stand before the Ancient One who has white hair, bright clothes, and a fiery throne — this is the author-prophet’s attempt to explain his dream vision (Daniel 7:9-14). The reality itself is simply that this is a judgment scene of human kings before the eternal throne of God and Christ the King, whose glory and power is so awesome that mere human kings and thrones are laughable. The descriptions also reveal a God who will not force humans beyond their capacity to understand. Or as the scholastic theologian Thomas Aquinas would say, “grace builds on nature” – we can only understand a tiny bit and only when these divine things are described for us by inadequate human terms.

There is a long tradition going back to the Early Church Fathers that this “Son of man” refers to the Messiah, especially since Jesus used that as a self-description many times. The implications are enormous for believers. Would you reject the everlasting, all-powerful and eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ, and choose to follow only an earthly king whose dominion and power is limited and will be judged? Does your daily behavior reflect your choice?

This King Jesus and his kingdom are quiet unique. As he tells us (John 18:33b-37), his kingdom is not of this world. So we are called to trust, to believe, to have faith in the words of this Son of man we call Jesus. Those who did not believe rejected him and led him to the Cross. As believers, we look forward with hope to the time when we will join him in his kingdom – and the only way to enter is to belong to the truth, to listen to his voice, believe, and act on his words. Even kingdom kids may be led to the cross!

KNOW YOUR CATECHISM! Jesus is the faithful witness who came to bear witness to the truth of God’s love. God is Truth itself, and for that reason we can abandon ourselves to Him in full trust and faithfulness to his word. To do otherwise is to accept the falsehoods of the tempter. (CCC 215,217.) Do you read scripture daily to discover this Truth?

Deacon Paul Rooney
Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha

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