Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday
by Paul O'Reilly, SJ

'God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.’

When I was in South America, I met an American woman doctor ­ a gynaecologist, who had also worked in Guyana for many years. And gradually she told me her story. She had first come to Guyana ten years previously just for a few weeks and fallen in love with the country ­ the land and the people. And also she had realised how much her skills as a gynaecologist were needed and appreciated. So, after a long discussion with her husband, they both decided to come and give two years to working in Guyana. They decided that this was the most time they could afford to take away from earning good money in America. And so they came with their two children ­ an 8 year-old girl and a 4-year old boy who had a minor problem with his spleen. They both found valuable work to do and they were very happy to feel that they were really working to make people better rather than just to make money. Then, near the end of their 2 years, their 4-year old son suddenly became ill. They brought him to the hospital. The doctors found he had a chest infection, but it didn’t seem too bad, so they gave him some antibiotics to make it better. But it got worse. The doctors realised that his minor problem in the spleen was preventing his immune system from fighting the infection properly. Suddenly, he needed urgent specialist treatment that was not available in Guyana. So they specially chartered a plane and evacuated him to Trinidad. He died in the plane on the way.

She says that after that she cried every day for two years. And she deeply regretted her decision to come to Guyana, believing that if she had stayed in the USA, her son would have had a better chance. But then, she says, after 2 years, there started coming to her mind the images of some of the people she had helped in Guyana ­ people whose lives she had saved, or whose sufferings she had relieved. And she began to remember how many, many of those there had been. It did not make it all right ­ she knows that nothing will ever do that - but it gave her some comfort. And she began to realise that God was asking her to come back. And the moment of decision was when she and her husband prayed over this passage: “God loved the World so much that He gave His only Son.” Having also lost her only Son, she now knew what those few words really mean. That’s why she went back.

Let us stand and profess our Faith in the Love of God, who loved the World ­ this much (spread hands wide).

Mount Street Jesuit Centre,
114 Mount Street,
London SW1K 3AH.