Lectionary Reflections
Lent 1
by Lanie LeBlanc OP

At the core of the readings for the First Sunday of Lent are reminders of our covenant with God. The selection from the Book of Genesis relates the interaction between Noah and God. God establishes a covenant with Noah and his descendants, therefore, a solemn promise to us. The reading from the first Letter of St.

Peter explains how this covenant prefigures Baptism in which we, all of the baptized, enter into the new covenant through each one's acceptance of Jesus. It is the waters of this Baptism into Jesus which save us now. The Gospel selection from Mark is rather short and simple. It states that Jesus was tempted in the desert and then relates the proclamation of Jesus to believe in the gospel.

What is the gospel ? What is it that we claim to believe as Christians?

For me, the answer is not short and simple but rather intertwined and complex. It involves this covenant initiated by God, made new through Jesus, and presented to me each and every day as a baptized Christian. Just as Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan, so too are we in the deserts of our lives. We struggle with the distractors in our lives which seek to wear us down in forty days, forty minutes or forty years so we will ignore this covenant and succumb to whatever appears more attractive or believable. For me, Lent is the time to walk with Jesus into the desert willingly, to confront the demons of distraction with Him, knowing of God's faithfulness in our covenant and trusting in the outcome once I admit my failings. Lent is a time to repent of things that keep me from believing and living the gospel fully, a time to repent and to believe and live fully once again.

The power of God's faithfulness far surpasses any doubt. The willingness of Jesus to suffer in order to bring each of us "to life in the spirit" is humbling. The opportunity and empowerment of being baptized is gift. What remains is for each one of us to make the time during these forty days to offer the "thank you" of the time to try to hear this incredible Gospel message more clearly, one more time.

(Comments to Lanie at lanieleblanc@mindspring.com.)