Advent 2

Homily from Deacon Daniel J. Laurita, MA
Deacon at St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Madison, AL
10 Dec 2000
Second Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

On this second Sunday of Advent we are reminded that the Word of God came to John in the desert.  At first glance that seems an odd place for God’s Word to be heard in.  After all elsewhere in the Scripture the word of God came in the lush of the Garden, or on top of a high mountain surrounded by clouds. Or in the inner sanctums of the splendid Temple. These are the typical places for God’s word to be manifested.  But the desert! Is that not the place where life is given up?  The desert is that not the place where life is unsustainable.  The desert therefore cannot be the abode of the living word of God. Or can it.
This image of God’s presence to John in the desert ought to lead us to ask ourselves a significant question.  What makes up our desert?  Where can I hear God’s word this Advent season?

John’s typical appearance as well as his diet would lead us to surmise that he spent a lot of time in the desert or at least outside the precincts of Jerusalem.  From that can we not deduce that our deserts are probably those places we spend most of our time?

Typically we spend a lot of our time at work. Is that not a place where God’s word can be heard?  Could be you saying, but then no one at work wants to do bible study, no one at work has time for faith sharing. If these “ordinary” mediums of God word are not available to you then look elsewhere. Certainly the word of God can be heard in the anxieties of our co-workers.  Certainly the word of God can be manifesting itself when we hear of joys in their lives.  Sharing in these anxieties and joys is what makes us more fully human.  Christ took on the form of man so that he might redeem us from our anxieties, that he may fulfill our joy.

If that is the purpose of Christ is that not also our purpose as baptized followers.  Aside from work the next place we spend a lot of time is in our homes.  Is that not a place to hear clearly the word of God?  It should be but then I can hardly get everybody to the table at the same time.  How do I get them to share a moment of prayer?

Again those expected times and places might not be the only way that God’s word is available.  Is not God’s word made manifest when you show your love by deed.   Is not the word of God loudest when you say I am sorry.  Is not God’s word clarified when you embrace each other?

The word of God has the power to break into our lives. Are you ready to be attentive to it?  This Advent, which by the way is now half over still has time left in it. Two more weeks in fact The gospel beckons us to spend that time not only to hearing the word of god but to spend time making the way to God less burdensome for ourselves and or others.

Make straight the way of the Lord; clear for him a straight path. This calls us to simplify our spirituality not to burden ourselves with more pieties.

Lighting the Advent candle, meditating on the Scriptures, spending time before the Blessed sacrament are all good as long as they don’t add to our anxieties.  For in all those things God is inviting to do one thing only and to do it well.  That is to ‘set a spell” and realize that no matter what I do or what is done tome that salvation is at hand. That God will lead us rejoicing with his mercy and justice