2nd Sunday of Advent (“C”)
December 9, 2012

Q. 714: These are hopeful readings for a conquered and persecuted Jewish people.

A. 714:
As I prepare these comments, I have just witnessed a display of football prowess on the part of my favorite team that was, shall we say, disastrous beyond imagining. For some fans, the event was so devastating that it could be termed traumatic – an emotional wound that caused them great mental distress. The mighty were humbled, as hopes were dashed.

Something like that is going on in the First Reading (Baruch 5:1-9). Baruch was the Prophet Jeremiah’s “assistant.” Baruch’s written work, the NAB-RE tells us, is an attempt to explain the severe trauma of the Jewish exile in terms of “the cycle.” This complete cycle, well-known to Israelites, provides hope, because it reflects the recurring “sin-punishment-repentance-return” sequence that the Israelites experienced so often.

St. Luke in today’s gospel (Luke 3:1-6) performs the same service. He reminds everyone that even though things look bad now, culturally and economically, the Messiah is coming! All will be made well, so do not give up hope! There is indeed a tomorrow, and if we take John the Baptist’s advice and repent, then we will be ready for the return of the Lord.

This is what Advent is all about – a constant reminder to “prepare the way of the Lord.” That preparation consists in preparing our own hearts, by humbling ourselves and admitting our imperfections and sins, mortifying our appetites, and opening our hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit in helping us to live the virtues. So we have a three-fold celebration that we call “Advent” – we celebrate Christ’s birth in Bethlehem; we celebrate Christ’s grace-filled activity in our life through our surrender to Him who dwells within us; and we celebrate our belief and longing for His second coming. Prepare ye the way of the Lord!

KNOW YOUR CATECHISM! Jesus tells us that John the Baptist was the greatest prophet the world has known. He preaches our need for repentance. Listen to him! Act! (CCC 535)

Deacon Paul Rooney
Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha

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