First Sunday of Advent
(Cycle "C - December 7, 2003)

Q. 244:   So - John the Baptist had a lot to say about an event of 2,000 years ago.    What does that have to do with me today?

A. 244:
  Sixty-two years ago our US Navy - and therefore our country - suffered a devastating loss at Pearl Harbor, all because military and political leaders did not read the "signs of the times" correctly.    Or, more importantly, they did not take them seriously, perhaps not being willing to recognize that they could be wrong in their "routine" defense preparations.    They were in a rut, and could not think outside of their own "boxes."    If that could happen so easily at a physical level, what do you think could happen at the spiritual level?

John the Baptist is more than just a "character" with bad breath dressed in camel skins.    We tend to put him into "yesteryear" - - those dumb Jews: how could they not read the "signs of the times"?    How could they not know Messiah was coming?    After hearing John the Baptist, how could they not know that they were at the very threshold of a major revelation?

Watch who you are calling "dumb"!    In roughly the same time frame as our US Navy, the Jews in the prophet Baruch's time (first reading) had made the same mistake, not responding to the "signs of the times."    And now John the Baptist is talking to you, today, in December of 2003!    Are you reading the "signs of the times"?    Do you really hear what he is saying to you personally?   Repent!    Change your ways!    Right now!    Are you prepared to defend your faith, and to defend your way of living, to defend your life style, when Jesus comes - and that might be today?

You have heard John the Baptist tell you what to do today: "Repent!"    Change your ways! (Lk 3:3).    You have heard St. Paul tell us today how to value only the "things that matter" (Phil 1:10).    What are your "preparations" going to be, right now, for the Lord's coming?

Know Your Catechism!    We must avoid neglecting the proper formation of our conscience, because we are constantly confronted with situations that involve moral judgments.    We try to interpret the data of experience and the "signs of the times" - assisted by the virtue of prudence and the advice of competent people, and the help of the Holy Spirit (CCC #1788).    Do not be happy with where you "think" you are on your spiritual journey.    Continue to grow (CCC #94-95)! Deacon Paul Rooney
Mary Our Queen Parish, Omaha

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