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January 26
Go Fishing

Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
After John had been arrested, Jesus came proclaiming "the time has come" (Mark 1:14-15). John's arrest as a subversive is followed by Jesus' demonstration of solidarity by picking up the theme of John's message. The assault on the old order has begun: Repent and believe the gospel, declares Jesus. His strategy opens with the formation of a discipleship community who are to be fishers of people. The prophets Amos and Ezekiel refer to the "hooking of fish" as a judgment on the rich and powerful (Amos 4:2, Ezekiel 29:4). Those invited to "fish" will join the struggle against the powerful and privileged who oppress the poor and weak.
But first they have to repent. Fishers who could afford hired help (Mark 1:20) were relatively successful businesspeople. Jesus' invitation for the fishers to leave their nets and follow him is a call to repentance. They are challenged to break with social and economic security for a few, for the sake of all. Following Jesus is to break with "business as usual," and it creates an opportunity to become disciples learning to build a new social order.
Reflection and Action
How do you react to the idea that Jesus invited people to join the struggle against the powerful and privileged? Which people of faith do you admire and seek to follow in some way? Why? What would it mean for you in your situation to become "fishers of people"?
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