Participate Not Spectate
Corpus Christi
(The Body and Blood of Christ)
Participate Not Spectate
June 2, 2002

We live in a kind of spectator culture. In every realm of life, arts, sports even religion "see all - involve little" can be the philosophy. Even when relaxing; singing and dancing is often left to "experts." In the latter case, when we're coaxed into action and cease being a wallflower, we're understandably nervous but glad to be included.

Our feast today of the Body and Blood of the Lord makes one thing very clear to us: Eucharist is not a spectator's sport. Most people have an instinctive feel for the Eucharist. They know it's important even if they don't have words to explain it. It's why Roman Catholics often mark the meeting in marriage, or around a sickbed or in prayer for some intention with a Mass. In all the wideness and wildness of life, we know the Eucharist supports.

Most people don't struggle so much with believing that the bread and wine become in their essence the Body and Blood of the Lord. It's the change in our behaviour demanded by His continuing presence in us, that poses the problem. If you can accept the presence of Christ in the tabernacle, but not in each other - something is wrong.

It's the difference between living and partly living. "unless you eat. you will not have life in you."

(Comments to Tom at )