Simon's Passover
Good Friday
April 13th 2001

Simon's Passover
by Tom Cox

Cyrene was a city in modern Libya, so Simon had travelled a tremendous distance, at significant cost and danger to take part in the Passover celebration. With no “Jerusalem Report” to tell him of the Galilee preacher Jesus coming to town, he may not have even heard much if anything about this political prisoner. After 39 lashes that killed most prisoners, with flesh and muscle shredded, we can only imagine how blood-soaked the cross was.

Being pressed into service meant that blood-soaked Simon was ceremonially unclean. After all his journey and expense, he could not participate in the Passover. Surely he raged inside his head; “Why God… why me?” Did Jesus speak to him? We don’t know? Some commentators think it is the same Simon described in Acts of the Apostles. If so, this encounter transformed Simon. What were his thoughts as he watched this strange man beaten to a pulp forgive his tormentors, nailed to a cross, promise paradise to the repentant thief? Did he see Jesus lovingly assign his mother to John’s care?

Simon has travelled all this way and his original plans are now thwarted. But Jesus had planned for this moment since eternity past. Like many of life’s chance encounters, it is not chance at all. At some point when Simon remembered his Passover plans, he may have seen them as insignificant compared with God's plans for him.

You have plans for today and every day. Will you let God intrude on them and mould you to his purpose this Good Friday?

(Comments to Tom at )