20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th August, 2000

Christian inside and out
by Tom Cox

Ireland is awash with tribunals, serving a valued purpose in bringing the light of truth of situations. The danger is that we're getting better at recognising public sin and not seeing the defects in our own life.

So just suppose, a church tribunal was established to investigate. you. The charge; trying to close the church. The defending counsel skilfully paints a picture of you as a good person. Law-abiding, temperate, truthful, morally good man/woman. You paid your income tax and bills, came to Church. You never opposed anything that was good.

The presiding Judge at the conclusion of statements and evidence ask you; "are you guilty or not guilty of trying to close the church?" "Not guilty," you plead. "I didn't do a thing"!!

'Guilty as charged,' the Judge ruled. Continuing the Judge adds, ''you have confessed to the most effective way devised of closing the church, the kingdom of God. You didn't do a thing. You didn't visit the sick, encourage the weak, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger. You didn't reach out to anyone with the Gospel." Perhaps it's because the possibilities for service demands too much from our resources.

Unless you eat..you will not have life in you.

(Comments to Tom at stmarysrcathlone@oceanfree.net )