The Winner Takes Nothing
Feast of Christ the King
November 20, 2005

The Winner Takes Nothing
by Tom Cox

If it were nowadays, the Caprine (Goat) federation would probably take a case against Jesus for stereotypical profiling (discrimination) in this Sunday’s Gospel. Why should they be compared unfavourably to their Ovine (Sheep) counterparts. A baaaaad mistake?

But seriously, whatever about sheep or goats, many people instinctively have a sneaking regard for a different species -the underdog. Take sports for instance. When our team isn’t involved, we inevitably tend to root for the team without the big names or money behind them.

It’s nice to know that Jesus encourages a similar spirit and attitude in each of us. We are invited to live out in very practical ways the commandments to love God and neighbour. The most noxious lifestyle of all is when compassionate words come from a care-less heart.

The world is too small now for "us" and "them." There is only "we." We are bound together. We will either learn that or we will die as those who fail to learn that we share a common destiny.

The consequences are pretty big. Also separating sheep and goats is God’s business not ours. We are not to make distinctions. In this “winner takes all” and “weakest link” kind of world- the basic test of any society is how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable members. As another Liturgical Year ends today, time for an honest review of how we’re doing.

(Comments to Tom at )